What is magma?
Molten or liquid rock underground
What is Weathering?
the mechanical and chemical processes that change Earth's surface over time
What are biochemical rocks?
a sedimentary rocks that was formed by organisms or contains the remains of organisms
What is contact metamorphism?
magma comes in contact with existing rock and its thermal energy and gases interact with the surrounding rock, forming new metamorphic rock
What are extrusive rocks?
When volcanic material erupts and cools and crystallizes on Earth's surface
What are Igneous rocks?
when magma or lava cools and crystallizes
What are nonfoliated rocks?
metamorphic rocks that have mineral grains with a random interlocking texture
What is deposition?
the laying down or settling of eroded material
What are intrusive rocks?
Igneous rocks that form when lava cools too quickly to form crystals
What is erosion?
the moving of weathered material or sediment from one location to another
What are foliated rocks?
contain parallel layers of flat and elongated materials
Name 2 examples of a metamorphic rock and how its formed.
Examples: foliated, nonfoliated, regional, and contact
How it forms: changes in temperature, pressure, or the addition of chemical fluids can result in the rearrangement of minerals or the formation of new minerals
What are clastic rocks?
Sedimentary rocks that are made up of broken pieces of minerals and Rock fragments
What are sedimentary rocks?
rock fragments, mineral crystals, or the remains of certain plants or animals, are the building blocks
What are metamorphic rocks?
when rocks are exposed to extreme temperature and pressure, such as a long plate boundaries
Name 2 examples of a sedimentary rock and how it's formed.
Examples: chemical, biochemical, and clastic
How it forms: rock fragments, mineral crystals, or the remains of certain plants or animals are the building blocks.
What are chemical rocks?
They form when minerals crystallize directly from water
What is uplift?
the processes that moves large bodies of Earth materials to higher elevations
What is regional metamorphism?
the formation of metamorphism rock bodies that are hundreds of square kilometers in size
Name 2 examples of an igneous rock and how its formed.
Examples: intrusive and extrusive
How its formed: when lava or magma cools or crystallizes.