Processes that change Earths surface
The Rock Cycle
Soil Formation
Mineral Properties and More
A solid substance made of one or more minerals is a _____. rock fossil horizon crystal
What is rock?
The breaking down of rocks on Earth’s surface into smaller pieces is _____. (a) erosion (b) the rock cycle (c) weathering (d) deposition
What is weathering
The type of rock that forms when melted rock cools and hardens is _____. coal igneous rock sedimentary rock metamorphic rock
What is igneous rock?
A layer in the soil is _____. metamorphic a horizon humus clay
What is a horizon?
Leon says that the soil in his garden feels rough. What physical property of soil is he observing? layers luster shape texture
What is texture?
The smallest particles that make up soil are _____. clay sand minerals humus
What is clay?
The process of moving sediment from one place to another is _____. erosion weathering deposition plate tectonics
What is erosion?
A type of rock that forms when heat or pressure change an existing rock is _____. a fossil igneous rock sedimentary rock metamorphic rock
What is metamorphic rock?
The remains of decayed plants or animals in the soil is _____. humus a mineral sedimentary rock topsoil
What is humus?
Which property of minerals is tested by scratching a white tile? (a) luster (b) hardness (c) magnetism (d) streak
What is streak?
A solid substance that occurs naturally in rocks or in the ground is a _____. rock fossil horizon mineral
What is a mineral?
Which of these processes does NOT contribute to the weathering and erosion that shapes landforms? pressure plants waves wind
What is pressure?
The type of rock that forms when layers of sediment are pressed together is _____. coal igneous rock sedimentary rock metamorphic rock
What is sedimentary rock?
What property do all soil horizons share? bottom layer of humus partly weathered rock same types of minerals upper layer of bedrock
What is partly weathered rock?
Which substance makes up most of Earth’s crust? humus rock sediment soil
What is rock?
The solid rock that forms Earth’s surface is _____. humus topsoil subsoil bedrock
What is bedrock?
Sometimes two of the plates that make up Earth’s surface come together and push against each other. What new landforms may begin to develop as a result? glaciers mountains oceans sinkholes
What are mountains?
Which of these is NOT a part of the rock cycle? Metamorphic rock melts. Lava hardens into rock. Nitrogen enters soil. Plants weather rock.
What is nitrogen enters soil?
What is the name of the lowest soil horizon? bedrock magma subsoil topsoil
What is bedrock?
The largest particles that make up soil are _____. clay sand minerals humus
What is sand?
The sequence of processes that change rocks from one type to another over long periods of time is _____. weathering the rock cycle erosion properties of minerals
What is the rock cycle?
Sinkholes occur occasionally in Florida. What causes sinkholes? Animals dig and move rocks. Water dissolves underground rock. Plants grow through cracks in rocks. Sediment is moved from one place to another.
What is water dissolves underground rock?
Which describes how some igneous rock forms? (a) Water freezes in cracks in rock. (b) Magma cools underground. (c) Pressure changes minerals in rock. (d) Water erodes sediment.
What is magma cools underground?
Which layer of soil contains humus? a. top b. middle c. lower d. bedrock
What is top (topsoil)
If your garden soil is constantly dry you should probably turn some of this into your soil before planting next spring. a. sand b. gravel c. hummus / organic material d. manure
What is hummus / organic material?