Site Stuff
Group Games
Being Proactive
Quality Standards

If a participant fell down and has a 1 inch cut on their knee what should you do? 

What is First aid and accident report 


What should you explain before the start of a group game?

what is the rules 


What should a staff have prepared before explaining a craft?

What is an example of the craft


What can you do when a staff is explaining a craft or enrichment? 

What is pass out supplies 


What makes a quality staff? 

What is creating a positive learning environment, and provides ongoing professional development based on assessed staff needs 


When transitioning to the next activity what should you use? 

What is an attention getter 


What can be set up during the explanation of the rules?

what is setting up the game 


How long do crafts and enrichments go for? 

What is 45mins to 1 hour 


What can you do when a staff is explaining the rules of a group game? 

What is set up the game and boundaries. 


What is active and engaged learning? 

What is activities that reflect active, meaningful and engaging learning that promote collaboration and expand student horizons 


What should be filled out if an altercation were to arise? 

What is confidential log, accident report, and incident report 


How long should a group game take?

what is 1 hour 


Can an enrichment be teaching a sport or a new skill? 

What is yes, it can be teaching a sport, team building activities, or even how to draw 


What is something you can do when one staff is trying to quiet down the kids by themselves? 

What is go around the participants that are talking and quiet them down. 


What makes a safe and supportive environment? 

What is a program provides a safe and nurturing that supports developmental, social-emotional and physical needs of all participants 


If participants are not listening after an attention getter, what should you do? 

What is use another attention getter until all participants attention are on the staff 


What should you do if some kids do not want to play the game? 

What is have them be a helper or give them a task pertaining to the game. 


What are the developmental assets?

What is the positive values, relationships, skills and experiences that help children and teens thrive 


When a staff makes an announcement about how much time is left what can you say? 

What is repeat what that staff said to the participants 


What are some ways for youth to have a voice and leadership? 

What is line leaders, hall monitor, librarian, suggestion box 


When is it okay for staff to leave participants by themselves? 

What is only if there is another staff there to supervise the participants 


What should you do if a participant continually breaks the rules of the game after being spoken to? 

What is speak to them or have them sit out for a minute. 


What are 3 aspects of an Enrichment? 

What is Teamwork, communication, critical thinking 


When the participants are doing a craft, game, or having snack what can you do? 

What is supervise and include yourself in what they are doing. That could mean asking how it is going, join in the game, or compliment their work. 


What is Clear Vision and Mission purpose? 

Vision is the goal you have for site and mission is what you want to accomplish at site. 
