Which 2 presidents are from Illinois?
Obama & Lincoln
We belong together
Ritchie Valens
The one with the golden arches
What has 4 wheels and flys
Garbage Truck
A bird in the hand
is worth two in the bush
Which president was assonated in Dallas Texas?
When your lover has gone
Frank Sinatra
The mascot is a tiny Chihuahua
Taco Bell
Where does a 1-legged waitress work?
What goes up
must come down
Which president was paralyzed and wheelchair bound ?
Franklin D Roosevelt
Lonesome Town
Ricky Nelson
Dairy Queen & Burger King
Why couldn't the toilet paper cross the road?
Because it got stuck in the crack
Loves Company
How many terms and years can a president stay in office?
2 terms and a total of 8 years
Michael Jackson
The mascot is a girl with red hair and pig tails
What do you call a cow with no legs?
Ground Beef
What goes around
Comes around
Who was the first president to be impeached by the house of representatives?
Andrew Johnson
Bye Bye Love
The Everly Brothers
The kernel runs this show
What's red and bad for your teeth?
A Brick
The only thing we have to fear
Is fear alone