Civil War/Reconstruction
Western Expansion/Industry
Imperialism and WWI
The 20s, Depression, WWII
Cold War and Modern America
This event was the reason that President Lincoln decided to go to war
What is the secession of the Southern states
This law provided "free" land to encourage settlement of the West.
What is the Homestead Act
This was the main reason the United States focused on acquiring foreign territories
What is trade
This was a celebration of African culture that started in New York City.
What is the Harlem Renaissance
This was the first "battlefield of the Cold War," created by the Red Army's movements during WWII
What is Eastern Europe
This Union strategy used blockades and cut off supply lines to force a Southern surrender
What is the Anaconda Plan
This is the political group that developed to protect the rights of farmers.
What is the Populist Party
These are the two main reasons the United States joined World War I
What is Germany's submarine warfare and the Zimmermann Telegram
These are two ways the US helped Great Britain and other Allies in World War II, before we actually joined the war.
What is cash-and-carry and lend-lease.
These were the two main ideologies of the racial equality movement of the 1960s
What is nonviolent protest and Black Power
The creation of this is considered to be one of the few successes of the Reconstruction Era
What is a school system for freed slaves
The growth of industry was fueled by these three things.
What is lots of raw materials, the expansion of railroads, willingness of people to invest, an immigrant workforce
After the Spanish-American War, the United States acquired these territories (name two)
What is Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines
These are three causes of the Great Depression.
What is overproduction, unemployment, stock market speculation, and the wealth gap.
Name and define President Nixon's strategy for leaving Vietnam
What is Vietnamization - turning the war over to the South Vietnamese
These three pieces of legislation were passed during the Reconstruction Era - providing new status for former slaves. (Name them and tell what they did)
What is 13th Amendment (freed slaves), 14th Amendment (guaranteed citizenship), and 15th Amendment (protected the right to vote).
These two pieces of legislation showed the start of government regulation of business in the industrial age
What is the Interstate Commerce Act and the Sherman AntiTrust Act
This is one reason given in favor of the US annexing the Philippines. This is one reason given against the US annexing the Philippines.
In favor - trade stop, coaling station, they can't rule themselves, we can Christianize them, we can civilize them, it's our duty to bring them democracy Against - they don't want us there, cost too much, too many problems at home, goes against our democratic ideas
Name the military strategy that led to the defeat of Hitler. Name the military strategies that led to the defeat of Japan.
Hitler - Operation Overlord/D-Day. Invasion of France. March to Berlin. Japan - Island Hopping and atomic bombs.
Name three ways the US and Soviet Union "fought" the Cold War
What is arms race, space race, influencing the "third world," Cuban Missile Crisis, Berlin blockade, Berlin Wall, Star Wars
These three things developed or occurred during the Reconstruction Era, guaranteeing that rights and status were DENIED to the former slaves.
What is sharecropping, President Johnson, the KKK and other white supremacist groups, an economic recession, the Compromise of 1877, Black Codes, voting restrictions.
The Progressive reformers of the industrial age attempted to fix society's problems. Name four and what they focused on.
WEB DuBois - change laws (race) Booker T Washington - equality through education Jane Addams - assisting immigrants (settlement houses) Margaret Sanger - birth control Thomas Nast - political machines (cartoons) Upton Sinclair - food industry Ida B Wells - lynching Alice Paul/Elizabeth Cady Stanton - women voting Teddy Roosevelt - monopolies and the environment
(Fill in the blanks) After WWI, the United States reverted to _______________. This can be shown by the refusal to ratify the _______________________ and join the _________________________.
After WWI, the United States reverted to ISOLATIONISM. This can be shown by the refusal to ratify the TREATY OF VERSAILLES and join the LEAGUE OF NATIONS.
Define FDR's three R's of the New Deal and give two examples of New Deal programs
Relief - direct survival assistance to the people (TVA, SSA, WPA, CCC, Civil Works Admin, FERA) Recovery - helping business get back on track (TVA, Fed Housing Admin, Rural Electrification) Reform - fixing the problems (SEC, Fair Labor Act, FDIC, FCC)
Name four accomplishments in equality in modern America
Civil Rights Act of 1964, Voting Rights Act of 1965, Roe v Wade, Red Power Movement, Americans with Disabilities Act 1990, equality in immigration laws, protection of migrant workers, Equal Pay Act, repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell...