Royal Commission On Bilingualism and Biculturalism
Tommy Douglas - Universal Healthcare
Quiet Revolution
Royal Commision on the Status Of Women

Where did this commission occur?



Who was Tommy Douglas?

- Advocator for Medicare

- Premier of Canada


How long did the Quiet Revolution last?

6 years (June 1960 - 1966)


Who was appointed as chair for the Royal Commision on the Status Of Women?

Florence Bird


What race of people did Africville mostly consist of?

A primarily African-Canadian community.


How did the prime minister at the time feel about this commission/change?

Prime Minister Lester B. was in heavy support of this, and was the person who established it.


When was a time that healthcare costs were really high?

During the Great Depression. The push for government assistance for assisting in health-care became popular as people could not pay doctors' bills back then.


 Who was the leader of the Quiet Revolution?

Jean Lesage


When was the Royal Commision on the Status of Women founded?

February 3, 1967


Where was Africville located?

The south shore of the Bedford Basin, on the outskirts of Halifax.


Name three groups this commission impacted.

Francophones (French speaking Canadians), Anglophones (English speaking Canadians), and Indigenous communities.


Why were some Canadians skeptical of Universal Healthcare?

Some Canadians were concerned that a national healthcare program would lead to lower quality care or be too expensive. Others were worried about how the program would be implemented.

 OR a majority of Canadians were already insured under a variety of private or nonprofit plans


What were the two TV shows that were compared?

Spider-Man and Batman


What slang was used to describe someone as a Hippie?

Flower Child


What year was The Africville Church demolished?

Demolished in 1967.


Name three ways this change can be seen in todays society.

1. Education system involving French/French immersion schools 2. Bilingual people are very common now and have equal rights as others, and all products have French labeling 3. Helped begin to diversify Canada and build its cultural differences rather than try to break them down 4. French and English are both languages of Canada rather than one or the other


What was the Saskatoon Agreement?

It basically allowed doctors to opt out of Medicare, and it gave doctors more choices on their preference.


Why was the voting age lowered to 18?

So more Francophones could be involved with the government at a young age and to one day be a part of it.


What were the following two themes I related towards the Royal Commission on the Status Of Women?

Social and Political movements in Canada & Canada Growing as an Identity


Why did the City of Halifax want to destroy Africville?

Destroyed to turn it into an industrial district.


Name a significant technology from this era, how it can be seen today, and how it was significant in this era.

Possible answers: Communication satellites
Transistor technology
satellites used everywhere today, satellites like Alouette-ISIS in 1962 were used, transistors are used in vacuum today, both of these technologies were a part of the cold war race for technological superiority and the rivalry between the US and soviet union


How did the movie To Kill a Mockingbird put a "relatable" spin in the hands of American students?

To Kill a Mockingbird was a book that explored racism and prejudice that existed in America during the 1930s. This book was released at the height of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s, which was a nonviolent social movement to abolish racial discrimination.


What was the name of the bill that allowed French to be an official language of Canada?

Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism bill


How was the Royal Commission on the Status Of Women created?

Lester B. Pearson, the federal government, had established this organisation in response to a month-long campaign by a coalition of 32 women’s groups led by Laura Sabia;


When was Africville Established?

Mid 18th century
