Rockin' the Tube
Rock Progression
Music Industry
This guitarist used the wah-wah pedal to create an original sound.
Who was Jimmy Hendrix?
This group, known as the fab four (Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr and John Lennon) influenced American rock artists by writing and performing their own music. They also introduced elaborate orchestration, inventive recording technology, and complex harmonies in their rock and roll music and were the first British rock group to achieve international fame.
Who are The Beatles?
This television show made an effort to keep African American artists from appearing on their show but at the same time, launched the Beatles into best-selling artists in America.
What is The Ed Sullivan Show
In the late 1940s, the transformation of rhythm and blues into rock and roll became evident through these changes.
What are an emphasized backbeat, untamed vocals, and a wilder style?
Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Jessica Simpson, The Backstreet Boys, and Hanson represent these music styles/genres of the 1990s.
What are Teen Pop and Boy Bands?
Jefferson Airplane, the Grateful Dead, Bob Dylan, and Joan Baez all performed this type of music.
What was Protest Music
This band utilized guitar distortion and feedback to create a new a unique sound.
Who was The Green River grunge band?
This Philadelphia television show, hosted by Dick Clark beginning in 1956, featured a live studio audience, set trends in fashion, language and hair, gave interviews, danced to Top 40 music and introduced more than 10,000 performers to the American market before it was canceled in 1971.
What is American Bandstand?
The Sex Pistols and the Ramones were part of this rock subgenre explosion in the 1970’s.
What is Punk rock?
In the 1940s and '50s, Billboard rated music based on these three sources of information.
What are store sales, radio, and jukebox play?
Paul McCartney announced the break up of the Beatles in this year.
What is 1970?
The Shins and Death Cab For Cutie represent this type of band.
What is Emo music?
When MTV (Music Television)began, it featured music videos, news, and events to appeal to this group of people.
Who are adolescents and young adults?
Iron Maiden, Ozzy Osbourne and Quiet Riot represent this rock genre which became hugely popular in the 1980’s.
What is Heavy Metal?
Billboard magazine creates weekly music charts using information obtained from this source.
What is a tracking system of music and music videos called SoundScan?
Brian Jones, Mick Jagger, and Keith Richards where members of this rock band.
What is the Rolling Stones?
Nickelback, Foo Fighters, and No Doubt are bands that exemplify this type of music.
What is alternative rock?
When VH1 (Video Hits 1) began, the network featured music that would appeal to this group of people.
Who are 18-35 year olds?
Multiple Rock subgenres are exemplified by the 2006 hit song “Welcome to the Black Parade” recorded by this group.
Who is My Chemical Romance?
Original Score, Original Song and Original musical are all music categories reorganized at this awards show.
What is the Academy Awards?
This 1958 rock and roll hit recorded by Cliff Richards and the Drifters marked the beginning of British rock.
What was “Move It.”
The bands Radiohead and Oasis were part of this rock movement.
What is the second British invasion?
This network was created to appeal to an African American audience.
What is BET?
In the 1990s, record companies recruited attractive young people to form these music groups characterized by live performances with lavish sets and expertly choreographed routines with hundreds of backup dancers and marketed them to the teenage audience.
What are Boy bands/girl bands?
The Grammy Awards support 108 categories of recognition which are voted on by this group of people.
Who are the 6,500 NARAS voting members?