Context Clues
Comprehension Skills/Strategies
What genre of text gives facts and information about a topic and includes text features?
Expository Text
All the students in the class pooled their money together to buy one big gift. In this sentence the word pooled probably means?
Put together or gathered
An old lady with a walking stick stands at the side of the road. There are many cars passing. She looks around and continues to stand there. The woman is probably standing by the road because... a: She is waiting to cross the road. b: She is waiting to meet someone. c: She is afraid to cross the road.
She is waiting to cross the road.
Which comprehension strategy do you use when you paint a picture in your head while you're reading?
What does timid mean?
What genre of text is a made up story but could happen in real life?
Realistic Fiction
Sarah's house was so remote, it took an hour to get to the nearest store. In this sentence, the word remote probably means?
Away from anything else, by itself, not near any stores or houses
Daniel is asleep on the floor of the guest room. His clothes and shoes are dirty. Beside him is a football which is also dirty. Which is probably true? a: Daniel is a lazy boy. b: Daniel is sleeping before playing football. c: Daniel is tired after playing football.
Daniel is tired after playing football.
What is main idea?
What the text is mostly talking about.
What is a synonym for attempt?
What kind of text has animal characters that display human like qualities? (animals that speak and wear clothes)
He was so sweet, we knew he would not hurt anyone. In this sentence what does sweet mean?
Kind or gentle
Natalie was sitting in her car at a red stop light. She heard screeching tires, then a loud crash and breaking glass. Natalie most likely... a: Heard a building being taken down nearby. b: Heard a movie recording. c: Heard a car accident nearby.
Heard a car accident nearby.
Which comprehension strategy do you use when you relate the text to your life, to another text, or to the world?
Make connections
What might be something your parents offer you? a: their car b: a healthy snack c: their job
a healthy snack
What kind of text is about someone's life, written by another person?
She had heard enough, and was about to erupt. She couldn't believe her brother had broken her most precious vase. In these sentences what does erupt mean?
Very upset or angry
My dog, Pepper, began to dance and prance all around the table where I was sitting and trying to read a book. Then he went over to the door and barked. Finally, he got his leash from the basket and brought it over to me. I said, "all right, Pepper, I guess it's time." Which is most likely true? a: Pepper wants to listen to me read my book. b: Pepper wants to go for a walk. c: Pepper wants to eat dinner.
Pepper wants to go for a walk.
What is author's point of view?
What the author thinks or feels about something.
Which of these are temporary? a: eye color b: being in Ms. Spencer's class c: having siblings
Being in Ms. Spencer's class.
What kind of text is based on events that took place in the past?
Historical Fiction
My teacher had been patient all day, even though we had a lot of trouble listening and staying on task. In this sentence what does the word patient mean?
To remain calm, or to wait without getting angry
I see leaves turning yellow on a small tree. I know it is July 10th. It is the middle of the summer. It hasn't rained for two months. The leaves are turning yellow because... a: Autumn is coming early this year. b: The tree is sick with disease. c: The tree is stressed from lack of moisture.
The tree is stressed from lack of moisture.
What are 3 examples of close reading?
Reading the text more than once, marking the text, taking notes, asking questions
When might you be in disbelief? a: when you go to school b: when you clean your room c: when you make it to the Olympics and win a gold medal
When you make it to the Olympics and win a gold medal.