You are on Google Classroom. What is the first thing you have to do to find the TestNav app?
Log out
This word means using the text and your own background knowledge to determine what has happened.
Infer or Inference
When you first log in to TestNav, you can test these two features.
The audio and the microphone.
Name 1-2 things you can do if you are feeling stressed during the test.
1. Sit back and stretch my arms
2. Take a few deep breaths
3. Raise my hand and whisper to my teacher how I am feeling
The "central idea" means the same thing as ________.
Main Idea
What state name should you have at the top of your TestNav app?
The form a nonfiction text takes that once we can recognize it, it helps us to read it, like sequence and Order, compare and contrast, etc.
Text structure
Where is the answer eliminator located on the screen?
At the top of the screen.
We can earn a raffle ticket by doing what two things?
Being present and on time
to look at something carefully
Your teacher must give you a ______ to log in.
When a character tells the events of the story from their point of view
Once you are finished with a section, and before your raise your hand to signal the teacher, press this button to ensure you have answered all of the questions.
The "review" button
How can you get in extra study time when school is not in session?
Use my laptop at home OR use the practice tests
If something is relevant, that means that it is ______.
Before giving the test, your teacher will read the _______.
When you are making a point, you give reasons from the text. What is this called?
What should you press after your have typed out your written responses?
Spell Check
Parents (Family)
What is a section of text?
Passage OR Excerpt
If you have a question or an emergency during the test, what should you do?
Raise my hand
When you are stating your evidence word-for-word from the text.
Quote or quoting
If you're not sure, but you want to keep working, you can do this to the question to remind yourself to come back later.
What two things can you do the night before and the morning of testing, to be sure that you have prepared yourself for the test?
Get a good night's sleep and eat a healthy breakfast
What does it mean if you are able to tell something apart from something else, or if it has a feature that stands out?