Name two examples of sedimentary rock.
Examples of sedimentary rocks include: sandstone, limestone, shale, siltstone, conglomerate, coal, chalk, halite, aragonite, quartz, coal, rock salt, chert, and calcite.
What is the difference between magma and lava?
The difference between magma and lava is, lava is molten rock on earth's surface, and magma is molten rock under earth's surface.
Name two examples of metamorphic rock.
Some examples of Metamorphic rock include: slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss, quartzite, and marble.
What is magma ?
Magma is a molten or liquid rock underground.
What is a rock?
A rock is a natural, solid mixture of minerals or grains.
How is sedimentary rock formed?
Sedimentary rocks are formed when small pieces of existing rocks, minerals, sediments assemble on Earth's surface, buried deep down, and then become compacted and cemented together.
Name two examples of Igneous rock.
Examples of igneous rocks include: basalt, granite, obsidian, pumice, andesite, rhyolite, gabbro, and diorite.
How is Metamorphic rock formed ?
Metamorphic rock is formed when existing rocks, like igneous or sedimentary rocks, are significantly changed by intense heat and pressure deep within the Earth's crust, causing them to recrystallize and transforming into a new type of rock.
What is erosion ?
Erosion is the process of which rocks are gradually broken down.
Name the three types of rock and give an example for each one.
Sedimentary= sandstone, limestone, shale, siltstone, conglomerate, coal, chalk, halite, aragonite, quartz, coal, rock salt, and calcite.
Metamorphic=slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss, quartzite, and marble.
Igneous= basalt, granite, obsidian, pumice, andesite, rhyolite, gabbro, and diorite.
What are chemical rocks ? Give two examples of them.
Chemical rocks form when minerals crystallize directly from water. Two examples are chemical limestone and rock gypsum.
How is Igneous rock formed ?
Igneous rock is formed when molten rock cools and solidifies, either below the Earth's surface as Intrusive or when it erupts as lava on the surface as Extrusive hardening from cooling temperatures.
What is the difference between foliated and non-foliated ?
Foliated rocks contain parallel layers of flat elongated minerals. In contrast, non-foliated rocks are metamorphic rocks that contain mineral grains with a random interlocking texture. Two examples of foliated rocks are slate and schist. Two examples of non-foliated rock are quartzite and marble.
What is weathering ?
Weathering is the process by which rocks and minerals break down or dissolve at the Earth's surface.
How many Vocabulary words do we have ?
In the Rocks Unit, we had 29 words.
What are biochemical rocks ? Give two examples of them.
Biochemical rocks are sedimentary rocks that were formed by organisms or contain remains of organisms. Two examples of them are chert and coal.
What are Intrusive rocks? Give two examples of them.
Intrusive rocks are Igneous rocks that form as magma cools under Earth's surface. Two examples of Intrusive rocks are granite and diorite
What is contact metamorphism?
Contact metamorphism happens when magma comes in contact with an existing rock and its thermal energy and gases interact with surrounding rock forming a new metamorphic rock.
What is deposition ?
Deposition is the process where a substance directly transitions from a gas to a solid without passing through a liquid phase.
What is the difference between a rock and a mineral?
A mineral is a naturally occurring solid with a specific chemical composition and crystalline structure, while a rock is a natural, solid mixture of minerals or grains.
What clastic rock?
Clastic rock is sedimentary rocks made up of broken pieces of materials and rock fragments. Two examples of clastic rocks are Breccia and Conglomerate.
What is Extrusive rock? Give two examples of them.
Extrusive rock is when lava cools and crystallizes above Earth's surface. Two examples of Extrusive rock are rhyolite and andesite.
What is regional metamorphism?
Regional metamorphism is the formation of metamorphic rock bodies that are hundreds of square kilometers in size.
What is uplift ?
Uplift is the process where a portion of the Earth's surface rises upward due to natural forces, usually caused by the movement of tectonic plates.
About how long does it take a rock to go through the whole cycle?
It can take a rock millions of years for it to go through its whole cycle.