Famous Rock Formations
Rock/Gem Characters
Common Crystals/Gems
Common Minerals/Metals

This rock formation is located in Utah's Arches National Park. The formation is a big orange archway made of sandstone.

What is Delicate Arch?


This is a real person, but played a character for WWE Wrestling, now he works mostly in action movies.

Who is Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson?


A pinkish red to blood-red colored gemstone.

What is Ruby?


This mineral is used in cooking. Our city is partially named for it.

What is Salt?


This rock formation used to be a massive river nearly two billion years ago!

What is the Grand Canyon?


A Rock/Ground type Pokemon, resembles a boulder with muscular arms and evolves into Golem at level 20.

Who is Geodude?


Made of pure carbon, formed under high pressure and temperatures. The hardest known substance on Earth. Can be found at level 15 or lower in Minecraft.

What is Diamond?


A reddish, soft mineral, that turns green over time. Used to make Pennies.

What is Copper?


This rock formation used to be a mountain but was craved into faces of four U.S. presidents in the year 1927.

What is Mount Rushmore?


A race of people appearing in many games in the Legend of Zelda franchise. They are large, muscular, and like to curl into a ball and roll themselves to travel faster. They eat rocks and live on mountain ranges.

Who is a Goron?


An organic gemstone made by an oyster. They are formed when an irritant (something harmful) enters the oysters shell.

What is Pearl?


A very heavy, soft mineral. 1 pound is worth almost $25,000 dollars. Very popular for jewelry. 

What is Gold?


This is the tallest mountain in the world, located in the Himalayas. Many people work hard to climb all the way to the top even though it's extremely dangerous.

What is Mount Everest?


A character from the cartoon Steven Universe. She is sarcastic and doesn't quite understand how Earth culture works. She is really good at technology and engineering, her primary color is green.

Who is Peridot?


A green gemstone. The author of "The Wizard of Oz" named a city after this crystal. In Minecraft you can use them to trade for items at villages.

What is Emerald?


Our bodies need this mineral for growth and development. It's commonly used for building and engineering. A lot of people like to cooking with skillets made from this mineral.

What is Iron?


Giant triangular tombs that housed the mummified body of the Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu. 

What are the Great Pyramids of Giza?


The titular character (character the show is named after) from a Nickelodeon cartoon that aired in 1993. This character is an Australian wallaby, and has many friends like Heffer Wolfe the steer, Filburt the turtle, and his dog Spunky.

Who is Rocko from "Rocko's Modern Life"?


An opaque (not see through) blue-ish-green gemstone. This gemstone is often found in Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Colorado and Nevada. It is important to Native American, Mesoamerican (Mayan and Aztec,) and Ancient Egyptian culture.

What is Turquoise?


A metal that stays a liquid at standard temperature. Shares its name with a Roman god and a planet in our solar system.

What is Mercury?
