This image represents what process
The Rock Cycle
Igneous rock type formed from magma and cooled UNDERNEATH the earth's surface
What is intrusive rock
Small particles that make up sedimentary rock.
What is sediments
What does the word "morph" translate to?
What is to change or transform?
The type of rock that forms from magma or lava
What is igneous rock
The name of this igneous rock
What is obsidan
This is the starting process by which Igneous rock transform to sediment.
What is weathering and erosion
Two forces required to create metamorphic rock | ![]() |
What is heat and pressure
3 major groups of rocks
What is igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic
Igneous comes from the latin word ignis which translates to what?
What is fire?
When sand lithifies (compacts) it forms this type of sedimentary rock
What is sandstone?
Geologists study this characteristic of a rock in order to identify it.
What is texture or composition
Name one characteristic scientists use to classify or identify rocks
What is color, hardness, luster (shine), texture?
Type of rock formed from lava ON the earth's surface.
What is extrusive rock
The most common place for sediment to be deposited
What is the ocean?
Under extreme temperature or pressure limestone becomes this metamorphic rock.
What is marble?
The TYPE of rock you are MOST LIKELY to find fossils
What is sedimentary rock?
Through the rock cycle, igneous rock can turn into ________________
what is Sedimentary Rock OR Metamorphic Rock
This is the process by which layers of sediment become pressed together over time
What is compaction or lithification
Primary agent of contact metamorphism
What is heat?