Playing Nice
Team Work
Feelings and Emotions
More emotions

If you want to join a group of friends playing, what is a polite way to ask?

What is "Can I play with you?"


If you win a game, what should you say to the other players?

What is "Good game!"? or give high-five


What is 2 things you can do if you feel frustrated or angry?

What is "Take deep breaths", "Take slow breaths", "Squeeze a stress ball or putty", "Go on a walk", "Exercise", "Get fresh air", "Listen to music that is relaxing", etc. 


How might your body feel if you are scared? (What are signs your body gives telling you that it is feeling fear?)

What is shaky hands, sweaty hands, sweat, fast heartbeat. 


What color do you get when you mix red and blue?

What is purple?


What can you say to someone to make them feel good if they did something well?

What is "Good job", "Nice!", "Way to go", "Well done", etc.?


If you lose a game, how should you behave?

What is "Congratulate the winners and say you had fun"?, give high-fives


Sarah and her friends are playing a game where they get a happy face sticker every time they do something kind. By the end of the game, Sarah has 5 happy face stickers, her friend Jake has 3 happy face stickers, and her friend Emily has 4 happy face stickers. How many happy face stickers do they have together?

What is "12 happy face stickers"?

Sarah, Jake and Emily have 5 + 3 + 4 = 12 happy face stickers 


Name a time when you might feel proud. 

What is doing well on a test, making someone feel good, helping someone with something, learning something new, etc. 

Name a game that requires teamwork to win. 

What is Outburst, soccer, basketball, etc. 


How can you show kindness to a new student at school?

What is "Introduce yourself and ask them to play with you"?

What is important to remember when playing a team sport?

What is "Work together, listen to your teammates, support each other, have fun, etc."?


Name a fun way to calm down using your imagination.

What is thinking of your favorite place or daydream about something fun?


In the classroom, there are 8 happy face stickers and 5 sad face stickers on the bulletin board. If 3 more happy face stickers are added, how many more happy face stickers are there than sad face stickers?

First, count the total number of happy face stickers after adding 3 more: 8 happy face stickers + 3 more = 11 happy face stickers

Now, count the total number of sad face stickers: 5 sad face stickers

Calculate how many more happy face stickers there are than sad face stickers: 11 happy face stickers - 5 sad face stickers = 6 more happy face stickers than sad face stickers

So, there are 6 more happy face stickers than sad face stickers.


What color is usually seen as being calming?

What is "blue"?

Blue is often associated with feelings of calmness and relaxation. It can help create a sense of peace and tranquility, making it a popular choice for spaces where a calming environment is desired. 


If a friend is feeling sad, what can you do to help them feed better?

What is "Listen to them and say kind words", "Give them a compliment", Do something nice for them, etc.


What is it called when someone repeatedly says or does mean things to another person?

What is "bullying"?


If you feel frustrated, what can you say to yourself to feel better?

What is "I can handle this", "I got this", "I will stay calm", "Some things take practice", "I'm so cool and brave for even trying this", "I'll be better at this next time.", "It's okay, I'm still learning"


Provide 3 emotions that you are feeling right now. Explain them. 

What is calm (my heart is beating at a normal pace, I am not nervous), excited (my heart is beating a little faster, I am playing a new game), thankful (I feel happy that I have nice people to play games with), smart (I am able to answer questions and learn new information), hyper (My body really needs to move around)


What is a kind thing that you can do for your family?

What is help with chores, clean up after myself, share my toys, say nice things, etc.


Tell me something that your sibling does very well. 

What is "---"? <3 :) 


How can you make sure everyone gets a turn during a game of catch and/or do not run into each other?

What is "Call out who you're throwing the ball to"?


List 10 different emotions/feelings.

What are "Happy, Sad, Jealous, Hyper, Anxious, Scared, Embarrassed, Joy, Silly, Disgust, Bored, Excited, Surprised, Frustrated, Calm, Proud" etc. 


Sarah was nervous about giving a speech in front of her class. She practiced her speech many times and took deep breaths to calm down. When she finished her speech and received applause, she felt proud and relieved. What emotions did Sarah experience throughout this story?

What are nervousness, pride, and relief?


How many sides does a hexagon have? 

What is six?
