A counselor she was, and Mary's role she held, name this person now or you will be expelled.
Who is Ivonne Zucco?
There are six duel participants in Hamilton. How many full time people work at The Rowan Center?
What is 14?
There is a feud in the agency but don't worry, they're still friends, who are the people involved in the Pokémon trend?
Who are Sarah and Luke?
It was the new MySpace and if you use it you are old, what is the new name Facebook will now hold?
What is Meta?
If you name it you win it, go now, that is the goal. "Let me tell you what I wish I'd known when I was young and dreamed of glory: you have no control..."
What is History Has Its Eyes On You?
Phoebe gave birth to three of her brother's kids. How many departments does The Rowan Center have?
What is five?
Five days we work and seven exist, these are the days in ancient Roman times that are no longer missed.
What is eight days?
Luke advised counselors to help clients be good at feeling, what was the advice Aaron Burr gave Alexander Hamilton in "Aaron Burr, sir?" for succeeding?
What song makes Ross and Rachel’s daughter Emma laugh for the first time?
Sir Mix-a-Lot’s “Baby Got Back.”
The agency has had many names and we settled on one, what was the first name with which the agency begun?
What is Rape Crisis Center?
Which song in "Hamilton" has a section that is the fastest sung song on Broadway?
What is Guns and Ships?
In September "Friends" was born and a laugh it gave, name five current staff members and the month in which they came.
Who is.....
From management she came, and a counselor she became, this is the agency Marsha will no longer claim.
What is Keystone?
"Immigrants (We Get The Job Done)" is the name of a song.
What is
What fruit is Ross allergic to?
What is Kiwi?