Maxwell Octavius
Holiday Fails
It's all relative!
Sisterly Love
What makes this house a home
When is sweet Maxwell's birthday 

April 29th, 2010


During the Baldwin-Padamadan-Roesener 2021 thanksgiving, Papi made the entire family complete what game for a prize of $50

What is a word search


Which relative of ours is known to own a Tesla?

Who is Bindhu Aunty 


What is the approximate time difference between Mary and Lucy's high school cross country personal records? 

What is four and a half minutes 


what is the common household item that both Mary and Lucy's bedrooms lack?

What are blinds 


Before Maxwell began sporting his butler university collar, what did his old collar look lie?

What is a sky blue collar from top paw


**DAILY DOUBLE** two part question 

How long did Lucy sleep on an air mattress following the Christmas of 2020 

Where is Lucy's new mattress from? 

What was roughly two months 

What is Costco (I love my mattress) 


During one of his notorious visits, as Lucy was sitting on the couch with uncle Chris, she pointed to something in his pocket, asked what it was, and instead of responding proceeded to panic and shove the object further into his pocket. What was the object? I believe he still owns one to this day. 

What was a (rather large and boxy) e-cigarette/vape 


Many of Lucy's male friends have expressed romantic interest in her sister, Mary. Who, throughout her high school career has expressed the most interest? 

Who is Grant Ray 


What is Lucy's coined nickname for the mysterious, unfinished additional room in the basement, and what does it reference? 

What is "The Gimp Room," referencing the Gimp from Pulp Fiction 

Amma has posted 2 (two) different posts on her Facebook in the past year about Max. What was the context for the two posts?

What are.. 

a picture of her and max for max's birthdat

a picture of max and Mary for her friend (navin)


Mother has notably forced the Roesener family to take various unnecessary holiday photos throughout the years. One thanksgiving in michigan, mother forced us to take a family photo during the michigan iteration of the turkey trot. What did she force us to to? Closest description wins. 

What is..

She forced is to all stand beside each other and hold our hands, raise them, and run downhill while Megan (I think) took a picture. 


Why did Christine Walsh and her first husband divorce?

What are illicit affairs? 


In 2019, Mary asked mom to go to a concert with her friends. Mom said that she would let Mary go, only if she invited Lucy, which Lucy has gone onto account as one of the most terrifying nights of her life. Who was the performer at the concert? 

Who is Wiz Khalifa 


Mary had not ever seen our new house until after we had fully moved in. Where was she the day we actually got the house?

Where was Florida with Emily Langston 


Name 3 of Maxwell's more elaborate nicknames

What is.. 

(appropriate answers include)

pupperson, puppy pie, sweet prince, cute dog, buddins, woofy, noofin, maxie reez

more acceptable answers will be delegated at game time


At the Baldwin-Padamadan-Roesener Christmas Eve dinner hosted in 2018, a certain relative's actions were brought up at the dinner table, and disagreement on the moral standing of these actions caused for mass discourse at the table, leading Meera to state "I'm gay" to break the tension. What relative were we discussing, and why were their actions so controversial? 

Who is Praveen Uncle, and what is his ongoing affair with his mistress


What is the one thing that choppers kept in her purse that Mary and Lucy have been known to steal over the years

What is ice cubes gum 


What was the 1 (one) cross country workout that Lucy beat Mary in throughout the two's decade long cross country careers?

Redfern hill workout, summer of 2018


What is Lucy's favourite ornament on the Christmas tree?

What is the hippo on skis ornament


Our sweet precious pup, Maxwell has a white spot on the end of his tail, which is not his natural fur, and has been there for years. What is the white spot from, and how did he get it?

What is white paint, and it happened in the summer of 2020 when Lucy, Mary, and Aidan painted Lucy's room white. 


One particular thanksgiving at grandma's led to what is now notoriously known as "diarrhoeagate" which plagued the entire extended family. What was the dish that led to it's catastrophe, and what about it caused such a ruckus? 

What was soup make out of leftover turkey, and what was the turkey being warmed up in the microwave 


Approximately how many times has Lucy actually done the wordle in the wordle group chat with the four os us, Adrienne, and Grandpa bungus? Closest answer wins 

What is approximately 7 times. 


Mary and Lucy have both expressed disdain for their freshman year college selection. Both colleges have appeared on the same list on barstool sports. What was the list?

What is Top 25 party schools in the nation 


After Lucy was caught drinking and grounded sophomore year of high school, where did mom and dad relocate all of the hard liquors previously stored in the bar in the basement?

Where was in a cardboard box in the coat closet
