Definition of framework
What is a basic conceptional structure of something?
Has to do with skills
What is people?
What is labour?
Similar to what construction workers do when first building a building
What is establishing a framework?
Similar to what Jamaica, Trinidad and Barbados did in the 20th century
What is share the cost of public goods and large infrastructure?
Name of Jamaican “celebrity“
What is mackre?
Definition of citizen
What is a native or naturalized person who owes allegiance to a government and is entitled to protection from it?
Start up money
What is capital?
The police do this when they pull you over
What is enacting legislation?
Countries in world war 2 would have loved this
What is reap other non-economic benefits, such as peace and security?
What happened to this lady?
What is she superglued her hair to her head witch gorilla glue? (”Ah neva me tell yuh fi guh dweet”😭)
Definition of government
What is a group of individuals voted into power by the people of a country or by a competent power?
Countries do this with each other to gain valuable goods from one another
What is trade?
Countries must do this or consequences must follow
What is honour protocols?
Similar to what the legislative branch does
What is decide policy cooperatively and have an anchor to reform?
You can find in most if not all Jamaican girl’s bags
What is gel, brush and comb?
Definition of protocol
What is a preliminary memorandum often formulated and signed by diplomatic negotiators as a basis for a final convention or treaty?
Provided when you get something from a company
What is goods and services?
Responsibility of the citizens
What is be informed about the aims and objectives of regional integration?
Global justice/anti-globalisation movements would hate this
What is have a building block for globalisation?
Guess the challenge using these emojis: 🐒🐒🐒
What is “buss it“ challenge?
Definition of what the picture symbolises
What is the process by which countries of a specific area come together under a legal agreement to promote or facilitate unity or oneness?
Jamaica, Trinidad and Barbados banded together when they were the MDC in the 20th century for this reason
What is overcome costly divisions?
Duty of the government in turn
What is provide adequate information about regional integration?
Happens when we increasing the limit of short selling
What is improve market efficiency?
Male celebrity that got his body done recently 👀
What is Lil Nas X?