What word means:
a feeling of unhappiness that occurs when someone can't do something they want or should be able to d
What word means:
a sickness that comes from a germ called a virus. It made some people very sick. They couldn’t move their legs or breathe on their own. Sometimes, they even died.
What word means:
a kind of medicine. This medicine keeps you from ever getting a disease like polio.
What word means:
Something that goes wrong and needs to be fixed.
What word means:
Someone listens to both sides of a story and decides how a law is being followed, or if the law is fair. They lead a courtroom.
What word means:
Someone who knows about the law and can fight for a person’s rights in a court.
What happened to Judy when she was about 2 years old?
She got polio.
Because of Polio, Judy had to use a_____ to get around.
Judy was able to start school at 5 years old.
Who told Judy she couldn’t go to school?
How old was Judy when she could go to school?
Judy was treated equally at her graduation.
What word means:
saying that something is unfair or not right. Sometimes, people do this in large groups and hold signs and chant.
What word means:
When one group of people is forced to be apart from other people. Students with disabilities were forced to attend school only with other students with disabilities.
This group helped the protesters with the things that they needed during the protest.
The Black Panthers
What word means:
a physical or mental problem that makes it difficult or impossible for a person to walk, see, hear, speak, learn, or do other important things?
What word means:
When people have this, the law treats everyone the same. For example, in the United States and Canada, all children have the right to go to a public school.
Equal Rights
What word:
is also called the Congress. People in this Branch of government make the laws.
Legislative Branch
What word:
This branch of government signs the laws. The president leads this branch.
Executive Branch
This branch of government judges if laws are being followed or laws are fair. The Supreme Court leads this branch.
Judicial Branch
Judy went to College. She lives in a dorm with other students. Judy's mom wasn’t there to help.
What did Judy need to do?
Ask for help.
What is one thing Judy needed help with in college?
Leg Braces
What word means:
Something that can easily be used by any person. For example, a ramp makes a building able to be used by people who use wheelchairs.
his person explained how Section 504 would change the lives of people with disabilities.
Ed Roberts
This person hoped that the protesters would go home.
Joseph Calefano