What language did the Romans speaks?
Name Three famous poets
Virgil, Horace, and Ovid
What were popular entertainments for the Roman people?
Gladiator games and Chariot races
Was the first Roman Law written down or were they traditions?
What are Romance Languages?
Languages that originate from Latin
What did the Romans build statues of?
Heroes, gods, and Important people
What is oratory?
The art of public speaking
Could gladiators earn their freedom?
What were the 12 tables?
the first written set of laws in the Rome
What are gladiators?
Slaves or criminals who fought as public entertainment in Ancient Rome.
Name Three Romance Language
1 French
2 Portuguese
3 Spanish
4 Italian
Name a very persuasive politician
Where were chariot race held?
Circus Maximus
When were the 12 Tables created?
400s BC
Who was the physician that dissected animals?
Cladius Ptolemy
What is a mosaic?
Design formed with small tiles of glass, pottery, or stones
What did Ptolemy write, and what was it about?
The Almagest written about astronomy
Name four ancient Olympic sports
Running, wrestling, chariot racing, boxing, and pentathlon
What laws did the 12 Tables include?
Laws about family relations, property, inheritance, and other important issues
How many People could fit in the circus Maximus?
As many as 270,000
What country technically still uses Latin?
Vatican City
What is a satire?
A work literature that makes fun of its subject.
What were gladiator games originally held for?
Name five places where Roman Law still exists
France, Spain, Portugal, Algeria, Mexico, Brazil, and Louisiana
How many times did the power point delete itself?