What does Polytheism mean?
Belief in many gods and goddesses
What language did the Romans speak?
A system with pipes, tunnels, and large stone structures that brought fresh water into cities was:
What did corrupt leaders steal from the people
Tax money
1000 years
Who created Christianity?
Jesus Christ
What two groups were the Romans intolerant towards?
Jewish and Christian People
This architectural method helps support building.
Huns Vandals and Visigoths are what?
Barbarian Tribes
Who ended the Roman Republic and started the Roman Empire?
Julius Caesar
Roman stadiums were called
How long did the Roman Pax Romana last
200 years
This was a social spot where people could get massages, workout, get their skin scrapped etc
Roman Bath house
What is a 2 front war?
When you divide up your army and supplies to fight two opposite locations
First Emperor of Rome
Octavian Caesar
Largest stadium in Rome
Gladiators were usually (3 options)
Slaves, POW, or Volunteers
Roman architecture was made out of (Two materials)
Concrete and marble
What is inflation?
Rise of prices of goods and services
What three continents did Rome expand to:
Asia Europe and Africa
What emperor ended the persecution of Christians in the 4th century?
Emperor Constantine
What two cities were destroyed in 79CE by Mt. Vesuvius?
Pompeii and Herculaneum
Why did the civil wars start in Rome?
No clear rule on who the next leader would be
What type of government was the Roman Empire?
Monarchy with an Emperor