Roman's camp name, Rex, is based off of this character.
Who is Captain Rex?
This is the state where Roman goes to school.
What is Indiana?
There are this many Twilight books.
What is eight?
Roman was tied up by this alter ego during Yearn to Churn 2: Return to (blank) island.
Who is the Milk Man?
Roman goes to this school.
What is Indiana University?
Because of his severe mental issues, this is Roman's favorite Twilight Character.
Who is Carlisle Cullen?
This is the name of one of Roman's tattoos.
Who are Pablo and Joey?
This was the illness Roman contracted during camp last year.
What is a UTI?
Other than pond boy, this was one of Roman's many alter egos at camp.
Who is Cowboy Werewolf, who is hot potato man.
This is the name of the town where Roman goes to school.
What is Bloomington?
Roman wanted to have a threesome with these two Twilight characters.
Who are Jacob Black and Edward Cullen?
This is Roman's favorite Star Wars movie.
What is The Phantom Menace?
Roman has(technically) had this many jobs.
What is six?
Roman had this many stress nightmares after camp ended.
What is three?
This is Roman's major.
What is Human Biology?
This is Roman's twilight "Hear Me Out".
Who is Aro?
The giraffe on Roman's keys is named this.
Who is Cal Kestis?
Lincoln called Roman this while driving up to the pond.
What is fat?
This is the name of Roman's roommate.
Who is Robin?
This is the book in Twilight that Roman is currently reading.
What is Midnight Sun?