Who was the longest reigning Roman Emperor?
Allegedly, how many kings did Rome have?
Which Byzantine Empress ran the empire while her husband, the Emperor, was in a coma?
Empress Theodora
What was the most important group of priestesses in Rome, who honored the goddess Vesta?
The Vestal Virgins
Who was cursed to see the future, but to never be believed about said future?
Which Roman Emperor was given the title “Restitutor Orbis”, meaning “Restorer Of The World”?
What is the name used today for the Flavian Amphitheater?
The Colosseum
Constantinople’s defenses were breached twice in Byzantine History. The second time was by the Ottomans when they ended the Byzantine Empire. Who breached them the first time?
The Crusaders
Which deity did Octavian claim to be the son of?
What is Hercules’ Greek name?
Which Roman Emperor retired to a peaceful farming life after he accomplished his goals?
True or false: Octavian had 1,000 Roman conspirators sacrificed on the alter of Jupiter.
False, he only sacrificed 300, and it was on the alter of Julius Caesar.
True or false: Empress Anna of Savoy pawned off the Empire’s Crown Jewels to fund a war.
True, she lost the war and the Crown Jewels were replaced with tinted glass.
What monster was slain by the Heroine Atalanta?
The Calydonian Boar
Which hero was decapitated by followers of Dionysus?
Who allegedly said “I am nursing a viper for the Roman people, and a Phaethon for the whole world”?
How many years did Caligula reign before he was assassinated by his own guards?
Who wrote the Alexiad, a book detailing the reign of the author’s father?
Anna Komnena
When the Romans encountered the Norse, which Roman deity did they equate Odin to?
Who was said to be more beautiful than Aphrodite, to the point that people started worshipping her instead of Aphrodite?
Which Roman Emperor put his barber in charge of Rome’s food supply?
What estimated percentage of Alexandria’s population died to disease during the Crisis of the Third Century?
Who was the last Byzantine Emperor?
Constantine XI
What is the Minotaur’s real name?
Which of these was NOT an argonaut?
Hercules, Perseus, Theseus, Orpheus, Atalanta