Rise of Roman Civilization
Early Roman Republic
Roman Society
Roman Republic Expands
All over the place!

The earliest Romans settled along this river.

What is the Tiber River?


The two major social classes of Rome.

Who are the Patricians and Plebeians?


Under Roman law, who was the head of the household?

What is the father?


Explain the expression: "All Roads lead to Rome." in modern times

What is all paths or activities lead to the center of things. 

This was literally true in the days of the Roman Empire, when all the empire's roads radiated out from the capital city, Rome.


The Romans gods and goddesses were mainly adapted from this culture....

What are the Greeks?


The ancestors of the Romans?

Who are the Latins?


The number of Roman Senators and which social class did they come from?

What is 300/ Patricians?


What was the name of the God who ruled over the sky and the other gods and his wife?

Who was Jupiter and Hera?


The basic military unit was called _______and the amount of men?

What is a legion/5000 men?


The language of the Romans.

What is Latin?


The two mountain ranges of Italy.

What are the Alps and the Appenine? 


Emergency position created in that government to pass absolute power to one individual for a temporary amount of time. Specify position and amount of time.

What is a dictator/6 months?


Three rights women had in Roman society

What is could own property, run businesses, support the arts, go out to public events? 


How did Rome deal with a disloyal military unit?

What is one out of ten soldiers from the disloyal unit was put to death?


Explain in detail how Romans dealt with conquered lands. 

What is treated with justice as long as they followed Roman law and payed Roman taxes, and supply soldiers for the military they could keep their local customs and govt.

 Some were granted citizenship.


How many hills existed in Rome and why was this an advantage?

What are 7, Birds eye view of possible invaders


Boys who wanted to pursue political careers studied this... 

What is they studied rhetoric?

Explain the expression "Rome wasn't built in a day."

What is important work or excellence takes time to achieve?


What was the name of the law code in the Roman Republic and how did it evolve...

What is 

Laws first based on customs and traditions, Patricians were the only ones with government rights, eventually inscribed in 12 tablets called Law of Twelve Tables.

Main reason the Romans formed a Republic and ways early Romans protected themselves from having an abuse of power...

What is to prevent any one individual from gaining too much power. Split offices (2 consuls), term limits, power to veto, annual elections...


Explain in detail the story of how Rome was founded.

Remus and Romulus


Explain in detail the education system in the Roman Republic.

What is girls and boys from the upper and lower classes learned to read and write. By the later years of the republic, many wealthy Romans hired private tutors, often Greeks, to educate their children. Children memorized major events in Roman history. Boys who wanted to pursue political careers studied rhetoric. 


The names of two famous women who earned great significance in Rome.

Who are Livia and Aggripina the Younger?


Three rights Plebeians earned over time...

What is position in government called Tribunes, could be elected as a Consul, could appeal a Patrician judge, appoint them to high offices, and finally to admit them to the senate.


Compare and contrast Greek Geography with Roman Geography. 

Greece- rugged mountains, prevented unity, lack of farmable land

Rome- mountains did not prevent unity, lots of fertile land to farm, volcanoes, etc
