Ally of Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony. Queen of Egypt.
March 15th 44BC - The day that Julius Caesar was killed.
“Ides of March”
Animals used by Carthage as a terror tatic.
A reform is a ____________
change, adjustment...
A government run by a king, queen or emperor.
Tried to defeated Octavian and failed.
Mark Anthony
Worked with Pompey and won a civil war against him. Helped the poor and made himself dictator for life.
Gnaeus Julius Caesar
Carthage's most successful general who was smart and defeated 3 of the Roman armies
Before 100 BC only citizen who could afford their own ________ could serve in the military
armor or equipment
A state containing several countries or territories.
Won 1st civil war against Marius and made himself dictator for more than a year.
Worked with Caesar to run the government but later lost a civil war against him.
Gnaeus Pompey
Led Roman army to Carthage and defeated Hannibal while destroying Carthage
Reformed the army was letting poor citizens join the army and having the government pay for their equipment
Gaius Marius
A war between groups from the same country.
Civil War
Brothers who tried to give land to the poor and showed the fear the wealthy had of the poor.
Tiberius Gracchus & Gaius Gracchus
Feared that this group would riot or start a revolution.
Urban poor
Carthage is on what continent
Roman soldiers relied on their generals after Marius’ reforms
To give them land
Areas within a country or empire.
Caesar's heir, got revenge on Caesar's murderers. He ruled Rome, ended the republic, and became the first emperor. Must give his name and title.
Octavian / Augustus
Led Julius Caesar to starting the civil war and taking control of Rome.
Crossing Rubicon River
Rome is on what continent
Soldiers became loyal to their __________ than to the ____________.
commanders/ military leaders
Venerable or greatly honored one.