Roman theatre was full of _______, whereas Greek theatre was focused on plot.
What is spectacle?
Over time, Romans abandoned tragedies for vulgar _____________.
What are comedies?
During the height of its power, Roman religion moved from ________________ to ________________.
What is polytheistic to monotheistic?
SURPRISE! This one is different!! What is Ms. Wasman's late/missing work policy?
He wrote “The Comedy of Errors” which was later adapted by William Shakespeare.
Who was Plautus?
Compared to Greek Theatre, Roman Theatre was seen as very _________.
What is vulgar?
Roman plays mostly kept the Greek plot stories and replaced the names of the _______ to make them Roman.
What are gods?
Roman Plays often told vulgar stories about multiple ________, which the church did not approve of.
What are gods?
A person or group hired to applaud at a performance.
What is a claque?
He is known for his comedies, which often featured themes of love, relationships, and social class. His notable works include "The Girl from Andros" and "The Brothers."
Who was Terence?
The Romans favored ___________ over Greek tragedies.
What are comedies.
Roman playwrights captured this through their writings as citizens of Rome.
What are the many changes that occurred during the height of the Roman empire?
When Rome fell, the church __________ theatre because the practice had become so vulgar.
What is banned?
Romans were the first people to use ____________ on stage.
What are curtains?
He wrote tragedies that were heavily influenced by Greek tragedy and explored themes of morality and human nature. Some of his famous works include "Phaedra" and "Thyestes."
Who was Seneca?
In Greece, attending theatre festivals was seen as every person's civic duty. In Rome, theatre was seen as an activity for this different group of people.
What are the lower classes?
The production of plays started to become overshadowed by spectacle such as __________ _____________.
What are gladiator contests?
"The Church" refers to this specific religion.
What is Catholicism?
_________ were used at the start of Roman Theatre, but by the time Rome fell this Greek Theatre practice had died out.
What are masks?
He is considered the "Father of Roman Poetry" and is known for adapting Greek tragedies into Latin. He played a pivotal role in introducing Roman audiences to Greek literature and drama.
Who was Ennius?
In Greece, the theatre festivals honored the god Dionysus. In Rome, the theatre festivals honored the god _____________.
Who is Jupiter?
Roman theatre is where the first groups of ___________ ____________ are first formed.
What are theatre guilds?
Theatre continued to spread throughout ___________ ____ __________ after the fall of the Roman Empire.
What are India and Asia?
Roman stages were made out of this material.
What is portable wood?
He is known for his historical dramas and comedies. He is particularly recognized for his "Punic War" epic poem and for adapting Greek plays to suit Roman tastes.
Who was Naevius?