
Romanesque churches replaced the basilica-shaped floor design of Byzantine churches with the shape of what?

A Latin cross


True or false:

Figures were usually uniform in colour, largely blue and yellow, with thin outlines

False: Figures were usually uniform in colour, largely blue and red, with thick outlines


True or false: 

Scenes from everyday life were never shown in sculptures. Only religious motifs were shown.

False: While most imagery was religious, scenes from everyday life were also shown. 


What century did Romanesque artistic style develop in western Europe?

11th century  


What did the main entrance of a church symbolise?

The main entrance symbolised the door to Heavenly Jerusalem

What were the three functions of Romanesque painting?

-Educational (to teach the faithful)

-Moralising (helping people to distinguish right from wrong) 

-Decorative (to cover the cold, stone walls)


Where were sculptures and relies were mainly located and why?

They were mainly located at the entrance to inspire awe among the faithful as they entered the church

What was the main language of religion and culture?



All doors were lavishly decorated with ______ and _______.

All doors were lavishly decorated with reliefs and sculptures.


What were the three most common forms of Romanesque paintings?

Frescos, panel paintings, and miniatures 


Most sculptures were attached to buildings. Where would you find religious carvings made of wood and brightly-coloured polychrome?

On church altars 

Name the three most popular pilgrimages (each worth 100 points)

1. Rome

2. Jerusalem

3. Santiago de Compostela  


What replaced the old wooden roofs of churches? Name the two types.

-Large stone vaults

-barrel vaults and groin vaults


What were the walls and apses of churches covered with? How was the colour for this thing achieved?

-Covered with frescos. 

-For colours they used earth, mixed with egg or other natural glues


How were sculptural groups organised?

Sculptural groups were organised hierarchically and geometrically according to importance. 


Monastic rule was centered on what two things?

Prayer and work (ora et labora)

Because vaults were heavy, the supporting walls had to be very thick. Explain how they were reinforced using the key architectural terms.

They were reinforced with huge pillars or columns inside and solid buttresses outside. A semi-circular arch was used to attach the pillars to the walls and was also used in doors and windows, where they supported capitals


Romanesque painting in general had certain common characteristics. Name the five common characteristics 

Each characteristic is worth 100 points  

1. Technically very simple and had no depth, volume or perspective 

2. Figures were usually uniform in colour

3. People were always forward-facing and stylised and were strongly anti-naturalistic and hieratic 

4. Scenes were adapted to the architectural framework. Characters were arranged hierarchically so that the more important ones were larger. There was little to no empty space

5. The most common motifs were scenes from the Bible and the lives of saints. There were also representations of everyday life, but always with a moral content 


Where did capitals appear and what did they depict?

Capitals appeared on columns in cloisters. Most of the imagery was religious with Biblical characters and scenes. Some were historiated capitals that narrated entire stories scene by scene. Everyday life was also shown sometimes. Real or fantastical animals, which has symbolic value, and plant motifs were also used.   


Describe the cult of the relic and pilgrimage routes 

The cult of the relic (part of the body or object belonging to a saint), were kept and venerated in churches

Pilgrimage routes to a sacred place -- Romanesque art initially developed along the routes.
