How old is Dr. Mary Beard
What is the main road in and out of Rome?
The Appian Way
What happened to the size of apartments the higher the buildings went?
They got smaller.
nomen, nominis
Is Pliny captivated by the Circuses?
No, he is not.
What college did Dr. Mary Beard teach at?
Cambridge University
What was one of the greatest impacts Romans brought back from war?
How many public restrooms were in Rome?
auctoritas, tatis
According to Pliny, why are the Circuses boring?
There is nothing new, nothing different.
Who is Dr. Mary Beard married to?
Robin Cormack
What is Monte Testaccio made of?
Amphora fragments (olive-oil pots)
How did wealthy Roman societies feel about bar life in Rome?
In was beneath them, low-class
currus, us
What kind of men enjoy the races?
Childish, foolish men.
Why is Dr. Mary Beard famous?
Beard is a celebrity, a national treasure, and easily the world's most famous classicist.
Why was the color purple the most distinguised of all the colors?
It was difficult to make, from a mucous from sea snails.
What happened to Julius Timotheus?
Mass murder
he will go across
What does one very cheap tunic hold/represent?
What does Dr. Mary Beard touch that she shouldn't?
How did Romans differentiate themselves on their tombstones?
How did the poor get justice for crimes committed against them?
They took matters into their own hands.
very cheap, most vile
Pliny considers watching chariot races a _____________________.
Waste of time.
Life ruiner.
Time filled with useless people.