What do you need to have to be a true Christian?
You need to have faith in Jesus Christ.
Must get both right:
What was the word St. Paul used to describe "sinning against God"
What was the word St. Paul used to describe "sinning against mankind"
True or False: St. Paul would be ok with anyone today saying some people can be saved without having faith in Jesus.
How many times a week did St. John Chrysostom read the whole Epistle of Romans?
What does “Faith for Faith” mean?
You have to with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength be faithful and righteous back to Him.
The Law
Why are there different denominations?
Because the meanings of "having faith in Jesus Christ" are different.
What were the 3 descriptions St. Paul gave himself (must get all 3)
Bondservant, Apostle, consecrated
To be made right with God, the Jews relied on these two things - what are they?
The Law and circumcision