People (Chapter 16)
The Everything Old is New Again Testament (Chapters 9-10)
A Tale of Two Christians (Ch. 14-15)
Works of the Law (Ch. 14)
Let’s Get Ethical, Ethical (Ch. 12-13)

A long-time associate of Paul’s, he sends his greetings in Romans’ last chapter.  Elsewhere in scripture, we have a letter to him from Paul.

Who is Timothy?


“Not all of Abraham’s children are his true descendants…” Paul uses this son of Abraham and Sarah to illustrate that the promise of God is more important in determining our status than genetic ancestry is.

Who is Isaac?


Paul uses these terms to identify Jewish and Gentile Christians, or, better… Christians who observe the Torah and those who do not.

What Are Strong and the Weak?


One of the big three cultural markers of Judaism, in Rome these laws resulted in some concern about eating any meat, for fear that it had not been properly slaughtered or had been offered to an idol, and was therefore unclean.

What are dietary laws?


Paul says this quality must be genuine. In 1 Corinthians 12 and 13, he says that this is the greatest virtue available to Christians.

What is love?


Coworkers of Paul’s earlier in his ministry, this couple has since moved to Rome and apparently lead one of the house churches there.

Who are Prisca and Aquila?


The most commonly quoted Old Testament prophet in the New Testament, Paul uses the prophecies found in his books to talk about the faithfulness of God in preserving a remnant of Israelite people in history, as well as the challenge of Jesus as a “stumbling block.”

Who is Isaiah?


This is the attitude of those who observe Torah toward those who do not. Generally, it results in putting unnecessary obstacles between others and the gospel.

What is Judgment?


One of the big three cultural markers of Judaism, this was to be administered to every male eight days old or older, in order to be considered part of the community.

What is circumcision?


This is how Christians are to respond to those who persecute them.

What is blessing?


A deacon of the church at Cenchreae, this woman was probably the letter carrier and would have performed the letter for the house churches of Rome.

Who is Phoebe?


In the Old Testament, Moses’s struggle with this person was used to demonstrate the power of God over the power of the gods of Egypt.

Who is Pharaoh?


This is the attitude of those who do not observe Torah toward those who do.  Generally, it results in tearing down the others, whereas Christians should build each other up.

What is Despising/Disdaining?


One of the big three cultural markers of Judaism, the biggest of these was the weekly Sabbath. The early Christian community had to reckon with whether to adopt the Jewish customs.

What are feast days?


Paul explicitly forbids Christians from this activity toward their enemies.  It belongs totally to God, and Paul says that instead Christians should meet their enemies’ needs.

What is vengeance?


This woman was listed, along with Andronicus, as “prominent among the apostles.” Paul sends greetings to her in closing his letter to the Romans.

Who is Junia?


A most famous younger brother, this tricky guy was chosen by God before birth to be superior to his older twin. Paul employs his relationship with his brother to establish the precedent of God’s election transcending human logic.

Who is Jacob?


This should be the attitude of Christians toward one another. It should be characterized by hospitality and it is based in Christ’s activity toward us.

What is welcome?


Paul uses this as the standard by which Christians ought to behave, rather than strict adherence to the law. Christians should consider their own, as well as those of others, particularly their guests’.

What is conscience/conviction?


God has put these in place in order to uphold those who do good and punish wrongdoers.

What are governing authorities?


The amanuensis, or writer of the letter to the Romans. He would have had creative input as well as the scribal work of taking dictation.

Who is Tertius?


Who is Hosea?

What’s in a name? God uses the occasion of the births of this prophet’s children to prefigure the judgment and hope of Israel. Paul reinterprets the renaming of his children “not my people” and “unloved” to apply to the new status of the Gentiles as a people also beloved by God.


In Chapter 11, Paul says that the Gentiles were brought in in order to make these people jealous. He says that their rejection is the reconciliation of the world, but that their acceptance will be life from the dead!

Who is Israel?


This is what the kingdom is, according to Paul, rather than the freedom to eat or drink whatever you want.

What is righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit?


This is what Paul says we Christians should owe other people.

What is nothing?
