He wrote: "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud."
Who was William Wordsworth?
Theme displayed in this excerpt from John Keats' Autumn
"Season of mists and mellow fruitfulnessClose bosom-friend of the maturing sunConspiring with him how to load and blessWith fruit the vines that round the thatch-eaves run"
What is nature?
Name of this meter displayed in Keat's "Autumn":
"With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eaves run"
What is iambic pentameter?
"The trees are in their autumn beauty,
The woodland paths are dry,
Under the October twilight the water
Mirrors a still sky;"
This excerpt from Yeats' "The Wild Swans at Coole" is an example of this device.
What is imagery?
He wrote "The Raven"
Who was Edgar Allen Poe?
The use of reference to Egyptian pharaohs in Shelley's "Ozymandias" displays the Romantics common reference to this
What is the past?
Meter displayed in Wordsworth's "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud":
"I wan-dered lone-ly as a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales and hills"
What is iambic tetrameter?
"And neither the angels in Heaven above
Nor the demons down under the sea"
This excerpt from Poe's "Annabel Lee" is an example of this.
What is contrast?
He wrote "Ozymandias"
Who was Percy Bysshe Shelley?
Theme displayed in this excerpt from Byron's "Manfred":
"And a magic voice and verse Hath baptiz’d thee with a curse;And a spirit of the air Hath begirt thee with a snare"
What is the supernatural?
Meter displayed in Coleridge's "Kubla Khan":
"In Xanadu did Kubla Khan
A stately pleasure-dome decree:
Where Alph, the sacred river, ran"
What is iambic tetrameter?
"In every cry of every Man,
In every Infants cry of fear,
In every voice: in every ban,"
This excerpt from Blake's "London" is an example of this device.
What is anaphora?
He was famous for his odes to nightingales, Grecian urns and melancholy.
Who was John Keats?
Theme conveyed in Blake's "London" written in 1794:
"In every cry of every Man,In every Infants cry of fear,In every voice: in every ban,The mind-forg’d manacles I hear"
What is reflection on current changes?
Meter displayed in Byron's "Don Juan":
"His father's name was Jose—Don, of course,—
A true Hidalgo, free from every stain
Of Moor or Hebrew blood, he traced his source
Through the most Gothic gentlemen of Spain"
What is iambic pentameter?
"All breathing human passion far above,
That leaves a heart high-sorrowful and cloy'd"
This except from Keat's "Ode to Grecian Urn" shows an example of this.
What is personification?
He wrote: "Water, water, everywhere, And all the boards did shrink; Water, water, everywhere, Nor any drop to drink."
Who was Samuel Taylor Coleridge?
Theme conveyed in Blake's "Tyger":
"When the stars threw down their spears
And water’d heaven with their tears:
Did he smile his work to see?
Did he who made the Lamb make thee?"
What is creation?
Meter in this excerpt of Poe's "Annabel Lee":
"For the moon never beams, without bringing me dreams
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee"
What is anapestic hexameter, followed by anapestic pentameter?
"Of yesterday, which royally did wear
His crown of weeds, but could not even sustain
Some casual shout that broke the silent air"
The crown of weeds in Wordsworth's "Mutability" is an example of this.
What is allusion?