In the Raven, the narrator is alone because this person has died.
She met President Washington after writing a poem about him.
Phyllis Wheatley
The name of Goodman Brown's wife.
If you believe strongly in something without proof of its existence, you have this.
Hawthorne spent ten years living with his mom in this town.
Washington Irving
Two distinct things about Emily Dickinson's style.
Odd capitalization, use of dashes, focus on death
The Devil recounts a story, based on Hawthorne's biography, where he helped Goodman Brown's ancestor whip a woman who was part of this religious group.
I don't care what astronomers say, this is still a planet to me.
Dickinson spent her whole life in this town.
This philosophical movement preceded the Romantic movement.
The Enlightenment or Age of Reason
Whitman was the first master of this form of poetry.
Free Verse
The Devil gives this to Goody Cloyse so that she could get to the meeting faster.
His serpent staff
A youthful, moral relative of Antonio, Charlie and Millie Bobby.
Young Goodman Brown
This character spends his life withdrawn from others after his experiences in the woods.
Young Goodman Brown
Franklin's non fiction book that contains many cliches that we still use today.
"Poor Richard's Almanac"
This Puritan poet wrote about her love for God and her husband.
Anne Bradstreet
Goodman Brown thinks he hears these two men talking about going to the Devil's meeting
The Minister and Deacon Gookin
Expressing surprise at seeing a Viking God.
Thoreau. (Thor-OH)
Dickinson uses this oxymoron to describe the possibilities open to someone who is alone and imaginative.
"Finite Infinity"
Three words that begin with the letter "I" that describe Romanticism
Imagination, Intuition, Individuality
This British poet influenced Melville with his dark, brooding, arrogant, mysterious characters.
Lord Byron
Goodman Brown finds this accessory in the woods and is convinced that his wife is joining the Devil because of it.
A pink ribbon
This can happen to your toe or can refer to the part of a ticket that is given back to you after you enter a theatre.