Name of the twins who founded the city of Rome according to legend.
Romulus and Remus
An advisory group of nobles or patricians who greatly influenced decision-making.
The Senate
He was an army general who used his control over the legions to seize power. He established a dictatorship.
Julius Caesar
The 2 titles given to Octavian were _____ and Emperor. This gave him absolute religious, political, and military power.
A social group who were free people although had limited rights.
Father of Romulus and Remus
They were responsible for the expansion of Rome and new construction techniques such as vaults and sewerage systems, as well as architectural designs such as temples, pediments, and pedestals. Also influenced religious rites beliefs.
A set of written laws that was established by the plebians to prevent the patricians from taking advantage of legislation which only they had knowledge of.
Law of the Twelve Tables
Period wherein Rome brought stability, peace, and prosperity to the lands under its control.
Pax Romana
Roman society was described as _____, wherein the father of the house controlled all members of the family and their possessions.
Name of the hill where Rome originally founded a village. It is located on the banks of Tiber river in central Italy.
Palantine Hill
How many kings ruled during the Etruscan period? Wherein they held absolute power.
An institution during the Roman republic who were made of government officials who were in charge of the cities.
The name of the 12 regions that Emperor Diocletian divided the empire into.
This social group consisted of free people like farmers, traders, and artisans. Initially they couldn't participate in government, had to pay taxes, and later on became citizens.
In order to promote trade and defend Rome from attacks, the Romans founded this port at the mouth of the river Tiber about 30 km from the city.
Port of Ostia
They were members of the upper aristocracy.
They were people's assemblies which voted for laws and elected magistrates.
Legislative assemblies
Last emperor who ruled the whole Roman empire. He made Christianity the official religion of the empire.
A social group who were ex-slaves and still had certain obligations to their former owners.
Freed people or Liberti
How many hills are in the city of Rome?
The last king during the Etruscan period. He was deposed by the Senate. Rome became a republic and power passed to the Senate.
Tarquinius Superbus
This political system was designed by the Romans so that not one person could accumulate too much power as well as to avoid returning to a monarchy.
The fall of Rome marked the end of Ancient History and the beginning of _____?
Middle Ages
This emperor made all people in the empire into citizens in 212 A.D., to collect more taxes and recruit more soldiers.
Emperor Caracalla