What country is Rome in?
Did Rome establish a great Empire?
In the 1st millennium BCE who inhabited the south of the Italian peninsula?
What are Roman cities called in Latin?
True or false...Romans invented urbanism?
Who lived around the Tiber River?
the Latins, Etruscans, and Samnites.
Were Roman cities built with the same designs and similar buildings or differently?
The same.
What was the Roman king responsible for?
Justice, the army, and religion.
Who invaded and turned Rome into a true city?
the Etruscans.
What Sea did the Roman empire border?
the Mediterranean Sea.
According to legend who founded the city of Rome.
How many kings did Rome have?
In the 8th century a group of Etruscans and Samnites founded a settlement where?
on Palatine Hill.
What are some of the things that were built in Rome?
a wall around the seven hills, a circus,a temple, the cloaca maxima
Who made up the senate?
Members of the great aristocratic families.