Marcus Aurelius dies; Pax Romana ends
180 AD
Wrote over two thirds of the New Testament
A difference in aesthetic between western and eastern Rome
West: Greek-looking, pillars, classical art, robes, etc
East: Icons, domed ceilings, simpler art, darker, etc
Why was the Roman Empire split in 2?
Easier to control/govern. It was too big to try and rule over; culture was not homogenous, too many fronts to defend on
What is this?
The Arch of Constantine; erected after he won the battle against his brother Maximentius
Constantine moves the capital of Rome to Constantinople
330 AD
Augustine's pious mother who prayed unceasingly for him
(Saint) Monica
A tribe that was growing stronger as Rome was becoming weaker and more corrupt
Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Vandals, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, etc
What did the Stoics value above all else?
What did the Arians believe?
That Jesus was God's first creation
Council of Nicea
325 AD
The Council of Nicea was called because of this man's popular heresy
Constantinople today is known as this
Istanbul, Turkey
Confessions is an autobiography of Augustines life, and a confession of all his sins to God
What did the Council of Nicea establish?
Jesus is fully God and fully man
386 AD
Baptized Saint Augustine on Easter
Saint Ambrose
Saint Augustine was bishop in this African city
How was Christianity different from the religion of the Romans?
- Monotheistic (one god)
- Called for moral purity; the Romans were socially corrupt (orgies, drunkenness, parties, etc)
- Separated god from Caesar (Romans believed Caesar to be an "embodiment" of god; kind of like pharaoh)
Which saint was martyred in the Colosseum and eaten by lions in front of everyone?
Saint Ignatius of Antioch
Hadrian's wall built
122 AD
Emperor that split the Roman Empire into east and west
Emperor Diocletian
Constantine fought and defeated his brother at this battle
Battle of Milvian Bridge
Simply put, what is Augustine's City of God?
City of God is a defense of Christianity against it's accusers
(people were blaming Christianity for the fall of Rome)
What city is this?