What continent is Rome located?
What type of THEISM were the Ancient Romans?
Patricians & Plebs
How many people are there in a TRIUMVIRATE?
What language did Rome speak?
What are the 2 main rivers in Mesopotamia?
The Euphrates & Tigris Rivers
What is the PENINSULA called?
The Italian Peninsula (Italy)
What is the Roman version of Zeus?
What type of government did Rome have before it became an empire?
A Republic
DAILY DOUBLE: Who was the FIRST Roman Emperor?
DAILY DOUBLE: What was the name for the wars fought between Carthage & Rome?
The Punic Wars
DAILY DOUBLE: What is the religious and social structure in Hinduism with untouchables at the bottom?
The Caste System
What is the name of the sea that surrounds most of Italy?
The Mediterranean Sea
What is the Roman version of Aphrodite?
Consuls, the Senate, and the Assembly are all ???
Positions/Offices in the Roman government
Who were the 3 members of the FIRST TRIUMVIRATE?
Caesar, Crassus, & Pompey
The Pax Romana
Who comes first of these 3 philosophers?
Aristotle, Socrates, and Plato
What is the mountain range located in the black circle?
The Alps
DAILY DOUBLE: What is the Roman version of Athena?
DAILY DOUBLE: Roman Laws were written down on the ???
12 Tables
What was Augustus' real name?
Who led an army with elephants across the Alps to attack Rome?
What 3 Religions trace themselves back to Abraham?
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
What was the name of Rome's main river?
The Tiber River
What is the Roman version of Artemis?
How many Consuls did Rome have at one time?
The SECOND TRIUMVIRATE was Mark Antony, Octavian, and ???
What was the name of the Roman army?
The Legions
Mandate of Heaven
What was the title that Augustus gave himself?
First Citizen