Roman Decline

This Roman social class occupied the lowest rung of Roman society.

Who are the slaves?


The chief god of the Roman pantheon was him aka the king of the gods.

Who is Jupiter?


This Roman emperor was famous no actually notorious for playing the harp when Rome was burning and persecuting Christians mercilessly. He was so bad some Christians called him the anti-christ or the devil himself. 

Who is Nero?


Rome's decline was made worse by this common economic problem where the printing of money leads to its value becoming less. In the case of the Romans they kept putting in less silver in the coins they minted. What is the name of this economic problem that leads to money becoming less valuable and prices going up?

What is inflation?

A sentence that contains only a subject or a verb but not both is called what? *hint it starts with a p

What is a phrase?


This Roman social class occupied the highest rung of Roman society and people from this class frequently became senators, consuls, and held political power as well. 

Who are the patricians? 


The head of the Roman Catholic Church or the Western Church was/is who?

Who is the pope?

He was the first emperor of Rome and the one who ushered in a period of Roman history known as the Pax Romana. 

Who is Augustus?


A common problem in the late Roman Empire was when citizen soldiers were replaced by soldiers who only fought for money. What was the name of the soldiers who only fight for money? We still call them this today. 

Who are mercenaries?


What is the name of the Eastern half of the Roman Empire that survived the fall of the Western Roman Empire?

What is the Byzantine Empire?

Slaves who were freed in Roman society were known as what?

Who are the Liberti?


The head of the Eastern Church based in Constantinople was/is who?

Who is the patriarch? 


I am a Roman emperor who thought of himself as the reincarnation of Hercules and fought in gladiatorial combat personally. People thought I was crazy and I was eventually assasinated and my reign brought about the end of Rome's golden age. 

Who is Commodus? 


A common way for many Roman emperors to die was how? *hint Lincoln and Kennedy

What is assassination or assassinated? 


Mr. Kim called this crusade one of the saddest crusades because it marked the killing of one Christian group by another Christian group when the Western Christians instead of attacking Egypt attacked Constantinople and sacked it. Which Crusade was it? *Hint there were 12 crusades

What is the 4th Crusade?


In Roman society a boy did not come of age until he was of what age?

What is 14?

In 1054 the Christian Church in the former lands of the Western Roman Empire split from the Christian Church in the lands of the Eastern Roman Empire. From this point forward there would no longer be one official Christian church. What was this event called?

What is The Great Schism?


Under my reign Rome reached its greatest extent. My motto during our game was "expand, expand, expand!". 

Who is Trajan?


476 is a pivotal year in Roman history because a major event occurred. What occurred in 476? 

What was the fall of the Western Roman Empire?


Our next unit in history will focus on the rise of this specific monotheistic religion which was a great rival to Christianity. What is the name of this religion?

What is Islam?


The third highest ranked social class in Rome just below the highest social class was known as this social class. *Hint it starts with a P!

Who are the Plebians? 

Since 843 the yearly triumph of Orthodoxy celebrates the return of ____________ items into the Christian worship practices of the Eastern Church on the 1st day of Lent. *hint we are talking about pictures of saints, Jesus, or Mary. 

What are icons?

My wife was a former actress but that did not stop me from building one of the Greatest Churches in Roman history. People loved my church so much they turned it into a mosque, then eventually a museum.

Who is Justinian? 


The Roman emperor Dicoletian tried to stop the problem of inflation throughout the empire by issuing this specific edict, which set a fixed price on all goods throughout the empire. What was the name of this edict?

What is the Edict on Prices?
Give me the name of the three Germanic Tribes that was responsible for the decline and eventual fall of Rome according to our doodle notes. You have to name all three! 

Who are the Huns, Visigoths, or Vandals?
