historically, the son of Mary and adopted son of Joseph.
Who was Jesus of Nazareth?
Together with Julius Caesar, these two men completed the first triumvirate.
Who were Crassus and Pompey?
Actual Jeopardy ?
"The Gladiator" and "Rebellion" are the subtitles of Ben Kane's books about this man who led a slave army against Rome.
Who was Spartacus?
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The onset of the Dark Ages is said to have come when the German Odoacer deposed this last ruler of the Roman Empire in 476.
Who was Romulus Augustus?
Actual Jeopardy ?
When the death of a popular politician threatens to destroy the Roman Republic, Gordianus the Finder must solve "a Murder on" this famous road
What is the Appian Way?
"Veni, Vidi, Vici."
What is I came, I saw, I conquered
The Visigoths defeated the Romans here in 378
Where in the world is Adrianople?
The Life of Jesus was was recorded in the these recordings of good news
what are the gospels?
Julius Caesar denied her brother, Ptolemy XIII, before setting Alexandria under seige
Who was Cleopatra?
When Cleopatra courted Marc Antony she appeared on a boat dressed as her.
Who was Venus or Aphrodite?
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In 27 B.C. Octavian was awarded this title meaning "Revered One", and it became part of his name
What is Augustus?
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Like Hessians in the American Revolutionary War, Carthage used these professional soldiers hired to serve in a foreign army.
What are mercenaries?
Pax Romana
what is Roman Peace?
Somewhere on God's green earth early christians are hiding in these underground burial tunnels.
What are catacombs?
While many people think Jesus was born in the first year AD, historians now believe Jesus was likely born in this year
What is 4 B.C.?
Real Jeopardy ?
Thornton Wilder's novel about the time of Julius Caesar in Rome, has this title, like an unlucky date for Julius
What is the Ides of March?
This trio of important Romans comprised the second Triumvirate
Who were Lepidus, Marc Antony and Octavian?
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In 312, before the battle of Milvian Bridge, this man had a dramatic vision of a cross of light and went on to win the battle
Who was Constantine?
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Ancient Romans rooted for the Red, White, Blue, and Green teams that raced chariots around this famous Roman hippodrome?
What is the Circus Maximus?
flagellum Dei
What is Scourge of God?
Actual Jeopardy ?
In sailing to this ancient city today known as Istanbul. Yeats sought the comfort of past ages.
What is Constantinople?
A man who crossed a stream, he was taken by pirates in 70 B.C., ransomed, then raised a naval force and crucified the pirates
Who was Julius Caesar?
Julius Caesar was assassinated by a group of senators in a building built to him, a previous rival of Caesar--the irony was not lost on the conspirators
Who was Pompey?
Some historians argue that Caesar ended the Republic by voiding the powers of the senate when he received this title just before his death.
What is dictator for life?
This Emperor is known as the Philosopher
Who was Marcus Aurelius?
Determining future events base don the flight patterns of birds
What is Augery?
what is the place of the skull?
Actual Jeopardy ?
This island that boasts Messina but not Loggins is always getting the Boot.
What is Sicily?
INRI, the letters above Jesus' head when he was crucified, stood for what?
What is Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews?
Gaul leader who was defeated by Julius Caesar at Alesia
Who was Vercingetorix?
The last battle of the Republic
What is the Battle of Actium?
Actual Jeopardy Question.
Suetonius Reported that some men faked their deaths to get out of performances by this emperor who was singing not fiddling
Who was Nero?
Actual Jeopardy ?
Popular in 37 A.D., this man whose name means "Little Boot" was sent walking 4 years later after being labeled "the mad emperor"
Who was Caligula?
This Latin word meaning good, is something you may hope to see at the bottom of your test
What is a bonus?
The Ancient city of Carthage is in this modern day country that borders Algeria and the Med. Its capital city is Tunis.
What is Tunisia?
Some historians argue that Jesus was happy to be Jewish and practice Judaism, his intentions were not to start a new religion, but after this event the belief in Jesus as the son of God and Christianity as a religion soared.
What is Jesus' Resurrection?
By crossing this, Julius Caesar declared civil war on Rome.
What is the Rubicon?
Actual Jeopardy ?
About his crime he says, "not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more."
Who was Marcus Brutus
If this Emperor were a rapper you could check out his new "Lil Boot" mixtape
Who is Caligula?
The Pantheon means all gods, and the hole in its ceiling which acts as a sundial is called this
What is the Oculus?
Whoa whoa whoa follow this Latin phrase for the current state of affairs
What is status quo?
Actual Jeopardy Question.
Beneath the Ponte (bridge) Sant Angelo, commissioned by Hadrian
What is the Tiber river?
Those who spread the gospels like Paul and Peter
Who were missionaries?
Great nephew who was adopted by Caesar
Who was Octavian?
After Antony took his own life, Cleopatra tried to be diplomatic with Octavian but when she failed she also took her own life, historians believe in this archaic manner.
What is by Asp bite?
Who was Emperor Nero?
Underground sewage system beneath the Forum
What is the Cloaca Maxima?
the definitely not Latin, but German word for lightening warfare
What is blitzkrieg?
actual Jeopardy question
Drop the fourth letter from an Iberian country and you get this general term for a distance
What is Span?