Rome was located on what landmass?
The Italian Peninsula
Name each part of the Holy Trinity in Christianity
1. God the Father (The Creator)
2. God the Son (Jesus Christ/"Messiah")
3. God the Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost)
What is the name of the series of conflicts in which Rome defeated Carthage?
The Punic Wars
A representative form of government in which citizens elect officials to govern on their behalf.
What is the name of the Roman dictator assassinated by a group of senators?
Julius Caesar
The Roman Empire extended into what continents?
1. Europe
2. Africa
3. Asia
Judaism and Christianity were viewed as problematic to Rome because both religions were ___________.
A period known as "200 years of Roman peace."
Pax Romana
What type of government is known as " a rule by three?"
What is the name of Rome's "commoner" class that makes up 70% of the population?
What is the name of this natural barrier to the north of Rome that served as a protective barrier?
The Alps
Roman polytheism was large inspired by what other religion?
Greek mythology
What is the name of the structure below:
The Colosseum
Who split the Roman Empire in half, between east and west?
Emperor Diocletian
What is the name of the Carthaginian general who led an attack on Rome through the Italian Alps.
Hannibal Barca
What were the names of large farming estates owned by Patricians and worked by slaves
Who passed the Edict of Milan, effectively legalizing Christianity?
Emperor Constantine
What is the name of the structure below:
The Pantheon
What are the three parts of government in the Roman Republic?
1. Assembly
2. Senate
3. Consuls
What is the two parts of the Roman holy text?
1. The Old Testament
2. The New Testament
What is the name of Rome's main rival in the Mediterranean region?
Christianity shares its traditions with what other religion?
What is the PURPOSE of Roman aqueducts?
1. To purify water
2. To transport water over long distances.
What is the name of Rome's official legal code?
The 12 Tables
What is the dominant language of the Roman civilization?