Which two brothers founded the city of Rome?
Who are Romulus and Remus
This "dead" language was the language spoken by the people of Rome
What is Latin
When was the Roman Empire founded?
When is 27 BCE
This man was the first Emperor of Rome
Who is Augustus
This famous building housed Gladiatorial fights in the capital city
What is the Colloseum
Which religion replaced Roman Paganism as the state religion of the Empire?
What modern day country is the city of Rome the capital of?
What is Italy
When was the Colosseum completed?
When is 80 CE
This Emperor converted Rome to Christianity
Who is Constantine
What is The Pantheon
Which other culture did the Romans adopt their gods from?
Who are the Greeks
What two months are named after important Romans?
What are July and August
When was the city of Pompeii destroyed?
When is 79 CE
This Emperor is known as the "last of the five good emperors"
Who is Marcus Aurelius
This building was the city center of Ancient Rome
What is the Roman Forum
Who was the Roman King of the Gods?
Who is Jupiter
What form of government did the Romans have before the empire, that countries like the US have today?
What is a Republic
When was the city of Rome sacked by the Visigoths?
When is 410 CE
This Emperor divided the Roman Empire into two halves
Who is Diocletian
This wall divided Roman Britannia from what is now Scotland
What is Hadrian's Wall
This god influenced early Christian imagery across Rome
Who is Sol Invictus
The Ides of March is a holiday marking the day which Roman leader was assassinated
Who is Julius Caesar
When was the Roman Empire divided into two halves
When is 285 CE
The Empire was largest under this Emperor
Who is Trajan
This bridge is one of the best standing examples of a Roman aqueduct
What is the Pont du Gard