A form of government in which people are allowed to vote for the leaders.
The position that was created for plebeian representation in government was called a...
He was crucified by the Romans, but his followers said he rose from the dead.
Jesus Christ
These wealthy landowners controlled most of the government in Rome.
These were the publicly displayed laws of Rome that were carved into stone.
The Twelve Tables
This leader attacked Rome during the Punic Wars using elephants.
Jesus was called "messiah" and "Christ". What do both of these terms mean?
Chosen One
This period of peace began with the reign of Caesar Augustus and ended with the reign of Marcus Aurelius.
This class of people was made up of farmers, merchants, and artisans. They had little political power.
In the Republic, this was the name for the two co-leaders of of Rome who share power to command the armies and direct the government.
The Romans conquered this territory at the eastern edge of the Mediterranean Sea known as the land of the Jews.
This person had vision on the road to Damascus. He then became a Christian and helped write much of the New Testament.
Rome's history was filled with these conflicts between people in the same country.
Civil Wars
The Senate
When Hannibal and his army were close to attacking the city of Rome, the Roman military did this...
Attacked Carthage
This emperor had crosses painted on his soldiers' shields, and he eventually ended the persecution of Christians.
During times of war or crisis, the senate would appoint someone to this position of absolute power. The position was only supposed to last for 6 months.
1. On what peninsula would you find the city of Rome?
2. What large sea surrounded that peninsula and helped Rome travel to parts of 3 continents?
1. Italian Peninsula
2. Mediterranean Sea
This emperor was appointed dictator for life, and eventually stabbed to death by the Roman senate.
Julius Ceasar
These foreign soldiers could be paid to fight for Rome, but they were not as loyal to the Empire.
Daily Double!!! (1000 points possible!!) Give 5 examples of how Roman religion was different than the Christian Religion.
Roman god vs. Christian God
-Many gods -One God
-Morally imperfect -Morally perfect
-Ceasar is God -Jesus is God
-Favors the rich & powerful -Treats all equally
-You should be willing to -Jesus died for you
die for Rome
-Impersonal -Personal
Name three factors that contributed to the fall of Rome.
-Bad leadership by emperors
-The empire was too big to control
-Invasions by other people
-Disruption of trade routes
-A decline in loyalty to Rome among the citizens
-Mercenaries were not as loyal to the Roman cause