When Romeo meets Mercutio again in Act II, Scene III, his mood is...
Juliet's family name is..
Romeo's is...
Capulet, Montague
What is the name of Romeo’s spiritual advisor? What is he skilled at making?
Friar Lawrence. Potions and meds.
Why is Rosaline not interested in Romeo at the start of the play?
She wants to be a nun.
Who asks his uncle to kick Romeo out of the party?
True or False: the Nurse teases Juliet and delays giving her news about Romeo by complaining about her aching back?
Who does Friar Lawrence first assume Romeo has been with?
In Act III, Who wants to fight Romeo?
Why does Friar Lawrence agree to marry Romeo and Juliet?
He hopes it might stop the fighting between the families.
Which member of the Capulet household is not only aware of the marriage, but is assisting with it?
The nurse.
True or False: Juliet doesn't know Romeo is spying on her in Act II, Scene II?
She doesn't look it in the movie, but how old is Juliet supposed to be?
Lots of money $$$
Juliet tells Romeo not to compare their love to this because it is always changing.
What is Friar Lawrence gathering when Romeo first meets him?
At the end of Act II, who knows about the marriage?
The Nurse + Friar Lawrence only. (And good old Pete.)
Why does Romeo eventually agree to fight (and kill) Tybalt?
To avenge Mercutio's death
Who is related to the Prince? (2 characters)
Paris and Mercutio
What do Romeo and Juliet plan to do within 24 hours of meeting each other? Who helps them?
Get married, Friar Lawrence
What are the 3 uses of poison (or fake poison) mentioned in Act 5?
1. Capulets wanna poison Romeo
2. Juliet drinks fake poison
3. Romeo takes real poison to die with her