It's Lit!
Context Clues
Plot, Plot Baby
Background Music

The definition of dramatic irony

What is: when the audience knows something that the characters do not know?


Who says the following lines and when?

"Three civil brawls bred of an airy word have thrice disturbed the quiet of our streets"

Who is the Prince? When is Act 1 Scene 1, after the fight between the Montagues and Capulets?


The reason Rosaline has not reciprocated Romeo's love

What is she is a nun and sworn to live chaste?


The time period that Shakespeare wrote in

What is the Renaissance?


The literary device that is shown in the italicized lines: 

You men, you beasts,

That quench the fire of your pernicious rage

With purple fountains issuing from your veins

What is a metaphor?


Who says the following quote and when? 

"My mind misgives some consequence yet hanging in the stars... He that hath the steerage of my course direct my sail!" 

Who is Romeo? Right before Act 1 Scene 5 as they are about to go into the Capulet party?


The reason that Benvolio wants Romeo to go to the Capulet party

What is to examine other beauties? (Check out other girls)


True or false: Shakespeare was born poor and never received any education. (No stealing on this question)

What is false? (He was middle class and received SOME education, just nothing past grammar school.)


When an author places words or phrases that are DIRECT opposites (but are NOT contradictory) within the same sentence to achieve a contrasting effect 

What is antithesis?


Who says the following lines and when?

"Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, whose mannerly devotion is this" 

Who is Juliet? When is Act 1 Scene 5 at the party during her first conversation with Romeo?


Name ONE reason why Shakespeare starts the play with the characters of the servants. 

Extra hundred points if you can name both (primary) reasons. Must match my answer even if there are other interpretations.

What is to show how deep the Mont & Cap feud runs? What is for comic relief?


The name of Shakespeare's wife

Who is Anne Hathaway?


What is the difference between a monologue and a soliloquy?

What is: a monologue is said when other characters are on stage and a soliloquy is said to when the character is alone?

Who says the following lines and when? 

"Go to, you are a saucy boy!"

Who is Capulet? In Act 1 Scene 5 to Tybalt when Tybalt wants to fight Romeo?


What is Romeo's tragic flaw?

What is his rashness (tendency to rush into things)?


Fill in the blank: 

During Shakespeare's time, children were considered _____ and could be sold for pigs, for example. Wealthy families often had _____ ______ (2 words) raise their children.

What is property and wet nurse?

Name one of the oxymorons that Romeo uses when he is complaining about Rosaline in Act 1 Scene 1.

What is... 

Heavy lightness

Serious vanity

Brawling love

Loving hate 

Feather of lead

Bright smoke 

Cold fire

Sick health

Still-waking sleep


Who says the following quote and when? 

"Well think of marriage now. Younger than you, here in Verona, ladies of esteem, are made already mothers."

Who is Lady Capulet? In Act 1 Scene 3 when she is talking to Juliet about Paris's proposal?


Name the two things that Romeo compares Juliet to during their first conversation 

(hint: both start with "s")

A shrine

A saint 


The nickname for the lower-class people who sat near the stage at the Globe Theater.

What are groundlings?
