What are the young men fighting about in Scene 1?
Their families despise each other-- they are in a long-standing feud
What do Romeo and Juliet plan to do within 24 hours of meeting each other? Who marries them?
Get married, Friar Lawrence
Who discovers Juliet's seemingly dead body?
The Nurse
Who said it? "What, drawn, and talk of peace? I hate the word, as I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee."
Tybalt (Act 1, scene 1)
What is the name of Romeo’s spiritual advisor?
Friar Lawrence
Why does Capulet want Paris to wait before marrying Juliet?
Juliet is too young to get married
Why is Friar Lawrence surprised by Romeo's decision to marry Juliet?
He loved Rosaline one day ago, and Juliet is a Capulet
What advice does Friar Lawrence give Romeo and Juliet before their wedding?
"Love moderately" - do not love too intensely
Who said it? "What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet."
Juliet (Act 2, scene 2)
What is the name of the girl who broke Romeo’s heart at the beginning of the play?
Why does Romeo agree to go to the party at the Capulet house?
He hopes to see Rosaline
How does Capulet react to Juliet's sadness over Tybalt's death?
He moves her wedding to Paris up to the next day
Who said it? "These violent delights have violent ends and in their triumph die, like fire and powder, which, as they kiss, consume."
Friar Lawrence (Act 2, scene 6)
Who are Romeo's two best friends?
Benvolio and Mercutio
Romeo and his friends are not recognized at the Capulet party because they are wearing ____________.
Why does Romeo eventually agree to fight (and kill) Tybalt?
To avenge Mercutio's death.
Whose ghost does Juliet see before drinking the potion?
Who said it? "Ah, welladay! He’s dead, he’s dead, he’s dead! We are undone, lady, we are undone!"
The Nurse (Act 3, scene 2)
Which member of the Capulet household is not only aware of the marriage, but is assisting with it?
The nurse
Who convinces Romeo to go to the Capulet party, and what does he say?
Benvolio; look at pretty women so you can get over Rosaline
What does Juliet plan to do if Friar Lawrence can't help her get out of marrying Paris?
Kill herself
To which city is Romeo exiled?
Who said it? "Thy face is mine, and thou hast slandered it."
Paris (Act 4, scene 1)
Describe the character of Mercutio
Fun, energetic, lively, loyal friend