The Basics
Who Said It?
Important Vocabulary
Finals Prep: What Have We Even Done?!?
Mr. F's Secrets

How old is Juliet in this play?

13 years old!!!


Who said it, and why?

"I shall turn your swan into a crow!"

Benvolio! He says this when they hear about the party at the Capulet's house - he's going to make Rosaline (Romeo's "swan") seem like a "crow" when compared to the other ladies of Verona. 


Mercutio, the servants, and the Nurse all provide ________ _________ in the play: they lighten the mood when things get a bit too tense!

Comedic Relief!


Is this MLA Header correctly written?

Student Name

Mr. Froedge

English 9



The date is incorrect! It should look like...

8 May 2024


Mr. F's desk is full of interesting things: which of the following is NOT in his desk at this moment?

1. A Pokéball

2. Bones

3. A Speaker

4. A Book

5. A Wooden Pencil

A Wooden Pencil - You have them all!

(Also... I need to clean out my desk.)  


Romeo is from the __________ family, and Juliet is from the ___________ family.

Romeo is a Montague, and Juliet is a Capulet. 


Who said it, and why?

"A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet..."

Juliet, during the balcony scene - she hates that she can't marry Romeo because of a silly name!


This entire play has been full of ________ ________ ever since we read the prologue: we know how it's all going to end! (Too bad Romeo and Juliet don't...)

Dramatic Irony!


Which of these sentences is punctuated correctly?

A. I failed the test because I didn’t study. 

B. I failed the test, because I didn’t study. 

C. I failed the test: because I didn’t study. 

D. I failed the test; because I didn’t study.



A! (Punctuation marks are only necessary after your FANBOYS - coordinating conjunctions.)


Mr. F loves most animals... which of the following is his least favorite at the fairground?

1. Pigs

2. Cows

3. Sheep

4. Horses


Mrs. F used to show pigs... they aren't very nice, and aren't as cute as the others!


What is the only reason Friar Laurence agrees to marry Romeo and Juliet?

He hopes that it will stop the fighting between the families that bothers the town so much.

Who said it, and why?

"A plague o' both your houses!"

Mercutio! (Romeo stops him during the fight with Tybalt, which lets Tybalt stab him... poor guy!)


When Capulet talks to Tybalt at the party, we see the perfect example of an _______: only Tybalt and the audience can hear Capulet's yelling!

An aside!

(A side conversation that the audience hears and other characters on stage do not!)


Is the following a simile or metaphor?

Mr. F sleeps like a baby when he gets home after school. 


It uses "like" or "as" to compare two things. Metaphors do not use those words to do so. 


Mr. F isn't picky when it comes to TV shows and movies... but of the following options, which of the following is his LEAST favorite? (Yes, I've seen them all!)

1. Fallout - TV Show

2. Teen Mom - Reality TV Show

3. Catfish - Reality TV Show

4. Grey's Anatomy - TV Show

5. 50 First Dates - Movie

6. Zombieland - Movie

7. One Punch Man - Anime

8. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Anime

Grey's Anatomy!

I refuse to watch this cash-grab of a show ever again!!! :)

What important information do we learn about how Romeo and Juliet think from the balcony scene?

Romeo is headstrong and romantic, while Juliet thinks rationally.


Who said it, and why?

"Two such opposèd kings encamp them still

In man as well as herbs — grace and rude will;

And where the worser is predominant,

Full soon the canker death eats up that plant."

Friar Laurence! He compares plants to men, noting that when poison (or for men, evil) is stronger than their good qualities, they begin to rot.


Romeo and Juliet are both considered ______ _______: they are imperfect people who, because of their flaws, do NOT succeed at their goal in the story. 

Tragic Heroes!


Is the following set of words an independent clause, dependent clause, or a phrase?

Running quickly down the street. 


It's missing a subject (noun) - WHAT is running?


When Mr. F met Mrs. F first began to talk about getting married, how many children did she want to have?

1. 1

2. 2

3. 3

4. 5

5... thankfully reality hit, and we're good with 2-3! 

(The world isn't ready for THAT many Froedges!)


The first thing the Nurse does when she gets home from talking to Romeo about the wedding is...

Complain about how much her body hurts! 

(Have to have some comedy, folks!)


Who said it, and why?


(Sorry folks, I love this line... :) )

Capulet! (This is sadly a threat, as he says that he wants to hit Juliet for not listening to him.)


Most miserable hour that e'er time saw

In lasting labor of his pilgrimage!

But one, poor one, one poor and loving child,

But one thing to rejoice and solace in,

And cruel death hath catched it from my sight!

This passage contains TWO examples of...

A. Allusion

B. Alliteration

C. Personification

D. Foreshadowing

Personification! (For both Death and Time!)


This one's more recent! 

What is a foil character, and which character has served as a foil to Tybalt in this play?

Foil characters are the opposites of main characters - their opposite characteristics make both characters seem more extreme and set in their ways. 

The foil for Tybalt has been Benvolio - these characters are both cousins to our main characters, but have very different tempers (always angry VS always calm).


Which side of the argument does Mr. F support:

Kendrick Lamar or Drake?

Kendrick, OBVS. :)