Scene 1
Scenes 2 & 3
Scenes 4 & 5
Define dramatic irony.
There is a contradiction between what a character thinks and what the reader or audience knows to be true.
At the beginning of Act IV, what day is it?
Why does Juliet tell her father that she will obey him?
Because she knows that she really won't marry Paris. She's just playing along with her father to make him happy, but she has other plans her father isn't aware of.
How has the atomosphere in the Capulet household changed during this Act? THE NIGHT BEFORE THE WEDDING AFTER JULIET TALKS WITH THE FRIAR AND PRIOR TO RETIRING TO HER BED.
They went from arguing about the wedding to being joyous. Juliet's parents went from wanting to disown her for not marrying Paris to being extremely happy about Juliet's change of heart.
Why is Capulet in such a good mood in Scene 4?
Because his daughter will willingly be wed to Paris.
Give an example of dramatic irony from this act.
Example: When Juliet "dies" the audience knows that she isn't really dead, but the characters don't (Lady Capulet, Capulet, Nurse, etc.)
Why is Paris at the Friar's cell?
To discuss his marriage to Juliet.
To what day does Capulet move the wedding?
Why doesn't the nurse know that Juliet is "dead"?
Because curtains are blocking her from viewing Juliet clearly.
What is Paris' reaction to Juliet's death?
Very selfish. He feels cheated. He isn't concerned at all with Juliet's familiy and their feelings.
Define soliloquy.
A long speech expressing the thoughts of a character alone on stage.
The Friar gives Paris two reasons why he cannot perform the ceremony. List one.
1. It is too soon. 2. He does not know the lady's mind.
Why is Lady Capulet concerned about moving the date of the wedding?
Because there isn't enough time to prepare for the wedding.
What is the Nurse's first name?
Angelica. Act IV Scene iv Line 5.
Why does Paris think it is a good idea to marry Juliet so soon?
Because it will help her get over the loss of Tybalt.

Give an example of a soliloquy in the act.

EXAMPLE: Juliet has a soliloquy in scene iii before she takes the vial.

Juliet lists six things she would rather do than marry Paris. List one.
1. Leap from a tower 2. Be chained with roaring bears 3. Lurk where serpeants are 4. Walk in thievish ways 5. Hide in a charnal house 6. Be hidden with a dead man in his shroud
How does Juliet get her mother and the Nurse to leave her room?
She tells the her mother to leave her because her mother has so much to do to prepare for the wedding tomorrow. She tells the nurse to go help her mother with the preparations. She also tells the nurse that she must pray through the night for God to forgive her of her selfish, sinful ways.
Describe how the Capulets have changed in the final scene of this Act?
Her parents who were raging mad at her the previous day for not wanting to marry Paris and were ready to disown her are now overwhelmed with grief over their daughter's death. Preparations for a wedding have now changed to preparations for a funeral.
The Capulets are aware that Paris has arrived for the wedding. How do they know he has arrived?
They could hear his escort of musicians approaching.

Define monologue AND provide an example of it within the act.

A long speech given by one actor expressing their feelings or thoughts. 

EXAMPLE: Friar Laurence discussing the plan for Juliet.

The first plan the Friar set forth is not working. What is the second plan he devises for Romeo and Juliet?
Juliet is to take the potion and "die," but really sleep for 42 hours. She would be buried. Romeo will come to her before she awakes. Friar will communicate his plan to Romeo via letters.
During her soliloquy in scene three, Juliet discusses her concerns about taking the poition. What is one of the three concerns?
1. What if it doesn't work? 2. What if it is a poison meant to kill her? 3. What if she wakes up too soon? 4. What if she sees bloody Tybalt? 5. What if she goes insane?
Why does the Friar tell the Capulets they should rejoice in Juliet's death?
Because she is blessed in heaven. Act IV scene v Line 76. Also because she died young and beautiful.
How will Romeo learn of Juliet and the Friar's plan?
The Friar will send someone to inform Romeo.