Define dramatic irony.
There is a contradiction between what a character thinks and what the reader or audience knows to be true.
Define Lamentable
(of an event, action, or attitude) unfortunate; regrettable.
Something filled with sorrow and grief
Give an example of dramatic irony from this act.
Example: When Juliet "dies" the audience knows that she isn't really dead, but the characters don't (Lady Capulet, Capulet, Nurse, etc.)
What is the Nurse's first name?
Angelica. Act IV Scene iv Line 5.
Define Subtext
The underlying thoughts of a character implied or indicated by a script or text.
Juliet lists six things she would rather do than marry Paris. List one.
1. Leap from a tower 2. Be chained with roaring bears 3. Lurk where serpeants are 4. Walk in thievish ways 5. Hide in a charnal house 6. Be hidden with a dead man in his shroud
What is Friar Lawrence's subtext when he speaks with Paris about the upcoming wedding?
Answer Vary:
- You can't marry her
- She's already married
- I don't like this plan
- I wish I didn't know what I do know.
The first plan the Friar set forth is not working. What is the second plan he devises for Romeo and Juliet?
Juliet is to take the potion and "die," but really sleep for 42 hours. She would be buried. Romeo will come to her before she awakes. Friar will communicate his plan to Romeo via letters.