What is Reb's FULL name
Ronald Edward Banas Jr.
Where is Ian Love's favorite place to ron bane in the manor
Living room couch
"It was his birthdayyyyyyyy and I was like....."
okayyyyyy whaaaaaaattttt
What College did James Wilkes Attend?
Villanova University
Where is this year's Big East championship held?
What was Reb's favorite number to shoot
Finish the Manor Living Setup
Matt Davis, Danny Dougherty, Jack O'Hara, Noah Peck....
Jonathan Elkins
"In your..."
What is Coach A's Son's name
Name 3 Grad students that played on the golf Team in the Last 5 years.
Gus Bus, Peej the Beej, Ronwater, Kinbane, Burger, Big Brose
What City and State is Ronald B from
Winnetka, Illinois
The manor once held a pregame in 2021. They made jungle juice in a big Gatorade jug. At first, they couldn't find anything big enough to mix the liquids together while in the jug. What did Danny tell Vim to give him in order to effectively and efficiently mix the liquids together.
"Vim get the 7 iron"
"Barros do you even wanna..."
Win Big East
What is James Wilkes' Girlfriends first name (double money to if you say last name too, but lose money if you get one wrong).
Marissa (Paffas)
Name one Villanova golfer prior to 2016 (first and last full name).
Will Check
What was Rebby's ball flight (height and shape)
Low fade
Before the manor became the manor, other heads occupied it. They had an exotic pet that lived throughout the manor (allegedly, cannot confirm nor deny). What kind of animal was that pet?
Danny Dougherty once modeled an outfit for a Florida trip his sophomore year. He showed a shirt and said, "Were gonna be on the first tee, in our 30 degree mitts, and a ......."
Light Blue Collar
Who did Patrick Aylward work for being an internal auditor prior to pursuing a career in being a remitt golf coach?
What drink does Danny make Vim get at every dinner
In a tournament round, Reb hit a shot, it hit an object and it bounced backwards. He argued that this object should not be on the course and that he should get a re-do. What was this object?
A tee marker
While playing wiffle ball at "Manor Field", the cops showed up as it was after dusk and some random Ron called in a noise complaint. Danny Dougherty attempted to plead to the officers to let the game go on. What was his reasoning to the officers?
It was the bottom of the 7th inning
"Shiiiiiiii, you need to...."
What Recruiting strategy did Coach A make famous throughout the NCAA?
What was Villanova Golf's Compliance officer before Frank? (Hint: It is how Barros got one of his nicknames)
Peter Baran (I will accept Peter BARN)