Personal Life
Domestic Policies/Affairs
Foreign Policies/Affairs
Events under Reagan's presidency

What was Ronald Reagan's wife's name?

Nancy Reagan


What was the nickname given to the economic policies advocated by Reagan such as tax reduction, economic deregulation, and less government spending?



What was the main goal of the "Reagan Doctrine"?

The main goal of the Reagan Doctrine was to reverse the spread of communism in third world countries, the Reagan administration believed they could stop communism before it attacked and enslaved a country.


What event took place the exact same day as Reagan's inauguration?

The Iranian government finally released the 52 American Hostages minutes after Reagan was inaugurated. These hostages were held for 444 days in Iran.


How many terms did Ronald Reagan serve?

2 terms


What year did Ronald Reagan pass away? 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006?

Reagan passed away in the year 2004


How much (%) did the Reagan committee increase defense spending by?

The Reagan committee increased the spending by 35% which went against his word to decrease government spending.


What war was going on during Reagan's election that he wanted to come to an end at some point during his presidency?

Ronald Reagan wanted to win the Cold War in order to rollback communism. He was successful in achieving this goal.


What event occurs that causes the people to see Ronald Reagan as a form of hope and "Superman"?

Reagan is shot in the chest during an assassination attempt and returns to the job after only being in the hospital for 13 days. 


Did Ronald Reagan want stronger or weaker (more or less) military?



What was Reagan's career before presidency?

Before becoming president Ronald Reagan was a well-known actor who starred in many movies in the 1950s and 60s


Why was Ronald Reagan unpopular with certain minority groups, particularly African-Americans?

(Think from an economics stance)

These minority groups did not really benefit from this golden "economic prosperity" in any way. This prosperity is a majority of what made Reagan so popular among the people. In 1986 over 30% of African Americans lived below the poverty line.


What did the Reagan Administration sell in turn for the release of the hostages in the Iran-Contra affair?

They sold weapons to Iran in turn for the releasing.


Ronald Reagan elected the first woman on the supreme court, who was it?

Sandra Day O'Connor was the first woman elected on the supreme court


What political party did Ronald Reagan shift to and from?

Ronald Reagan shifted from Democrat to Republican. Reagan was actually known to idolize JFK and his democratic actions before switching parties for the presidential election.


What kind of pet did Ronald Reagan have during his time at the White House? (Double points if you guess the name, begins with "R")

The Reagans owned a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (Dog) named Rex


What was Ronald Reagan's wife typically know for campaigning in the US?

She started the "Just say no" phrase in response to the influx of illegal drug, especially cocaine, entering the US. 


What was the Strategic Defense Initiative?

A program created to shoot down the Soviet Union's missiles before they reached the US.


What country did the US bomb in 1986?

Libya. These actions were a response to the Libyan sponsorship of terrorism against US citizens and troops.


What state did Ronald Reagan serve governor as prior to presidency?



What was Ronald Reagan's favorite food/candy?

Jelly Beans!!


What happened as a result from Reagan firing almost 12,000 striking air traffic controllers? 

This significantly slowed air travel for months and caused a serious blow to the American Labor Movement. 


What did the Reagan Administration do with the money from the sales in the Iran-Contra affair?

They used the money made from the sales in order to support right-wing rebels (Contra) in Nicaragua.

What year was the first time Democrats won both the senate AND congress?



Ronald Reagan was the oldest president ever elected until DJT and JB how old was he?

69 years old when elected. 
