What if my pencil breaks?
1. Drop off broken pencil
2. Pick up sharpened pencil
How can I be respectful in the classroom?
-use kind words
- be considerate of school property & property of others
- Voice Level 0, 1, or 2
What should be voice level be in the hallway?
What should my voice level be in the lunchroom?
0 or 1
What is rule #1
Follow directions quickly
What do I do in the morning?
1. Put backpack away
2. Get crayon box
3. Drop off folder
4. Eat breakfast and work on morning work
How can I be responsible in the classroom?
- work hard and do your best
- be a problem solver
What should be movement be in the hallway?
Walking feet
Should I be talking in the lunch line?
NO unless it is your turn to order
What is rule #2
Raise your hand for permission to speak
How do I ask to go to the bathroom?
Bathroom Sign
How can I be safe in the classroom?
- Walking feet
- Follow directions
-Listen to adults
-Keep Hands and feet to yourself
What side of the hallway do we walk on?
The right side
Where do I put my trash in the lunchroom?
What is rule #3
Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat
What do you do when there is a fire drill?
Line up silently
Walk outside
Listen for your name
Wait until it's safe to return!
How can I be ready in the classroom?
Try my best
Bring Materials
Pay attention and get your work done
Where do we stop in the hallway?
At the stop signs
What do I need to bring to the lunch room?
My lunch code or my lunch box
What is rule #4
What do you do in a lockdown drill?
Sit in a hiding spot
What should my voice level be in the classroom?
Voice level 0 while listening
Voice level 1 while working
Voice level 2 while talking
How can I be respectful in the lunch room?
Wait quietly in the line
Listen to adults
Keep hands and feet to yourself
What is rule #5?
Treat everyone with kindness