My job is to teach you.
Your job is to _______
You can't find your mechanical pencil and you see someone at your table using it.
You should...
If you say or do something hurtful then...
you need to regulate and then apologize.
This area in the classroom contains fidgets, colouring books, and other self-regulation tools
Zen Zone
False. You can stand up for yourself RESPECTFULLY.
Which classroom rule is this breaking?
You hear something funny on Tiktok or Discord and try it out in the class (Your mama, roasting, etc).
a) be kind
b) be respectful
c) act with safety in mind
Someone said something offensive about your friend yesterday and you heard about it.
You should...
a) Ignore it or
b) if it was too offensive to ignore, encourage your friend to stand up for themself/tell an adult.
If you are talking with people in your group instead of working, then...
You will be separated.
If you are feeling really upset or overstimulated and want to remove yourself from the room for a couple of minutes, you could ask to
Go for a walk
You have the right to do whatever you want with your body- it belongs to you.
Mrs. Barr's #1 priority- you must be _____
You completely disagree with another student about something that we debated in class.
You should...
Let it go! We can all have different perspectives/opinions!
If you have been fooling around instead of working and your work isn't done then...
You will need to finish it for homework or during a break.
Science has shown that this practice literally re-wires the pathways in your brain to help you deal with stress.
When a teacher is giving a consequence to your friend that you feel is unfair, it's your job to stand up for them.
False. This is not your job and actually makes it a bigger deal than it needs to be.
Everyone has a right to feel _____ in their classroom
Someone in the class did something really rude at recess and you told the teacher, who said they would talk to them.
You should...
Let the teacher deal with it. It's not your job to make sure that the other student is punished and it's not your business what consequences they receive.
If you interrupted while the teacher was giving directions then...
You will receive 1 warning before being removed from the classroom.
One way that you can regulate yourself when you're feeling upset is...
Whatever works for you! (writing in a journal, drawing, going for a walk, zen zone, music, meditating, etc)
If someone is really bothering you and being disrespectful, you are allowed to stand up for yourself.
True. As long as you are doing it respectfully, you are allowed to stand up for yourself.
You don't have to be the best at everything, but you do have to___________
You are in a classroom with a substitute teacher. The teacher doesn't really understand how your classroom works and keeps saying no to things your teacher would normally let you do.
You should respond by...
Following the substitute's instructions. This is their class for today.
If you are disrespectful to your teacher and/or classmates multiple times, Then...
You will be removed from the classroom, and there will be parent communication and/or a behaviour reflection.
If something has happened at home or at school that is extremely upsetting and you can't concentrate at school and feel yourself getting really upset, you can...
a) Talk to a teacher you trust & tell them about it
b) Talk to your teacher & tell them you don't want to talk about it but something happened and you might need extra breaks/help today
c) Talk to a friend about it
d) Anything else that might help you regulate!
If you feel a teacher is being unfair or you dislike a consequence, you should continue participating in the lesson and/or speak to them privately about it.
True. You are allowed to have feelings about teachers' decisions, but you do not have the right to disrupt the class over it.