Where is the student station?
Where do you turn in your must-do's?
The ELA basket.
When is it okay to touch another student?
What is our must-do's noise level? What is the only excaption?
0- no talking.
The only exception is if you have a friend whisper-helping you explain directions.
How many students are in our class?
What and where is the WIN box?
The WIN box stand for "What I Need"; students submit tickets to this box asking for what they need.
The WIN box is located in the top of the white cart by the front door.
How many must-do's do you have per day?
2 each day.
What is our noise level during quiet time or testing?
0- no talking at all
If we complete our must-do's, what can we do after?
Only May-Do options! Nothing else!
Ghosty Boi
Where do you go to staple or hole punch papers?
The student station.
When you grab a sharpened pencil, what do you turn in?
Your unsharpened pencil.
When a call and response is done by the teacher, what must the students do?
Freeze their bodies, noises off, look at the teacher.
What are our classroom rules?
Be safe. Be respectful. Be responsible. Be kind. Listen and follow directions.
How many living plants do we have in our class?
13 living plants
Where is our first aid kit located?
In the top left drawer at the sink.
What is our procedure when we do times tests?
Wait for the timer/teacher to start, flip your paper, complete the times test. At the end, add your name and write a note (if you want) on the back.
What do you need to put on every single piece of paper?
First name, last name, and number.
When is it okay to interrupt a teacher who is teaching a lesson or working with a group or student?
When someone is hurt, there is a natural disaster, or there is an actual emergency. Otherwise, stay in your seat and raise your hand.
Where can you find out what we are doing during the day?
On the morning schedule posted at the front of the room.
What does it mean to line up in a 4th grade line? Additionally, when are time that we line up in a 4th grade line?
Lining up in a 4th grade line means standing in a straight line, facing forward, and silently waiting for instruction.
We line up in 4th grade lines on the blacktop before entering into the classroom, when we are waiting to be dismissed for PE, Lunch, Library, Dismissal, Recess, or any other time we are preparing to leave the classroom.
What are the consequences in our classroom?
Reflections, making amends for actions, time at recess or after school, or loss of privileges.
How do you earn flexible seating options?
By following directions.
Example: During must-do time you may get the privilege if you are working hard and quietly at your desk.
How many roomates does Ms. Cabelli have?
4 (stinky) boys.